Chapter Five : Detention .

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Gumball's Point of View

After the fight , Mister Collins sent all of us into his office . At first , I didn't think too much of it because I was mostly worried about Marshall ; not in a romantic and cheesy type of way , but just in general . I feel some sort of connection to his situation because I do know the Ice Queen on a personal level ; she's always had a crush on me , that's why she's been trying to kidnap me for as long as I can remember . Also , I've had to keep in touch with her because our Kingdoms are so close to each other that we are forced to communicate .

After I realized what was happening , I started feeling really shitty because I had gotten detention on the first day of school , what a record ! I didn't say anything , I didn't refuse and I definitely didn't make a scene out of it .. I could've , but I respect my elders and their decisions . Being a Prince has taught me a lot of different things , and that's one of them ; never talk back to whoever's in charge , unless they talk back first . I just sat there , not talking or responding . 

I quietly listened to Mister Collins' conversation with Marshall , and Lumpy Space Prince . At one point , Marshall started acting really weird ; it seemed like he was having some sort of anxiety attack . At that moment , I could've helped him but I didn't have my pills in hand ; if only I would've brought them , he wouldn't have had to go through that . Oh well , it is what it is . 

And now , I have to sit in detention for two hours after school ! I knew I was gonna end up being punished at some point , but I didn't think it was going to be this soon . I really don't want to sit in a room for two hours , doing absolutely nothing ; I have other important things to do back at the castle , like dealing with my Kingdom and accomplishing my Prince duties . But , I guess that's what I get for being nice and trying to help .

I sigh as I step out of Mister Collins' office , and turn to go to the Biology class ; that's where detention takes place after school . I'm sure Butterscotch Butler is going to be very disappointed in me for getting in trouble but I seriously don't care , I did what my heart thought was right ; I saved Marshall from killing someone and I stopped him from going to the dungeon . Even though I rule the Land of Ooo , I still have no control over the law . The Banana Guards are under my supervision , but it's up to all of us to decide who goes to the dungeon or not .

Even though I got in trouble , I'm still happy to be here . High School is such an amazing opportunity and I'm glad I can make it happen . Being stuck in the castle is fun and all , and I enjoy every second of it .. But sometimes , I wish I was a normal teen . I've never had the chance to have fun like every normal kid does , I've had to deal with responsibilities my entire life . I just wish I could have one day to feel normal ..

I sit in the back corner , hoping to be invisible . I seriously don't want to be the center of attention in any way , and I also don't want to be the laughing stock of Rydell High . I look around and find an empty room , staring back at me . Marshall and LSP aren't here yet , and they are supposed to arrive in .. ten minutes , or they'll be in more trouble . But , I'm sure they don't care .

" Leave me the fuck alone , LSP ! " I jump in surprise as I hear a couple of bickering voices coming into the room . I breathe a sigh of relief as I see Marshall coming into the room , LSP following him . They've been bickering ever since I left Mister Collins' office , and I must admit .. It's getting kind of annoying ! " You're going to regret being the cause of my detention ! " LSP hisses at Marshall , as he sits at the very back ; I stare as his every move as he sits five desks away from me , a lump forming in my throat . " Oh , I'm so scared ! " Marshall puts his hands on his head and pretends to cry , mocking LSP . He grunts and sits at the front of the room , a heavy and weird silence surrounding us .

I roll my eyes as I open my backpack , and pull out one of my favorite books ; it doesn't have a name but I do know that Ice Queen wrote it . I remember when she gave it to me , it was some sort of peace offering ; she felt really bad about capturing me that one time , that's why she ended up showing such a kind gesture . I put my reading glasses on and continue reading , right where I left off ; might as well kill some time , so why not read ?

" Hey ! " A voice speaks to me from the left side of the room . I sigh as I look for whoever's interrupting my reading time . My eyes meet with someone else's , and I know exactly who it is . " Where did you get that ? " He points at my book , his hand shaking a bit . I put my bookmark in the center of the book , and close it . I take my glasses off as I look at Marshall , a confused look on my face . I bite my lip as he scoots closer to me , I know he's expecting an honest answer but I can't tell him the truth .. he'll end up knowing that I'm the rightful Prince of Ooo , and I don't want anyone to know about my other life . " Uh , a friend gave it to me .. " I gulp as I lie , a heavy feeling sitting on top of my chest . I do feel guilty for lying but I can't destroy my reputation that quickly .

" No , that can't be right .. " Marshall's voice cracks as he takes the book from me , examining it carefully . He reaches the cover of the book , his fingers softly touching the author's name ; Written by the Ice Queen , it says . He covers his mouth , as to stop a soft sob from escaping his lips .. I watch him in shock , not expecting this at all . Marshall looks so broken by this book , but why ? " This belongs to the Ice Queen .. " He says coldy , as he glares at me with his red and black deadly eyes . He grabs my collar and looks deep into my eyes , discovering every dark secret of mine . I'm afraid that he's going to catch on my lies and recognize me . " Where did you get this , new kid ? " His voice is aggressive and fearless , I gulp in return . My hands start to shake as he tightens his grip on my collar , not letting me go until he gets the exact answer he wants . I sigh as I place my hands over his , letting them go off of my collar ; his eyes widen as he lowers his hands , placing them on his lap .

" Alright , I'll tell you the truth .. "

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