Chapter Eight : A New Beginning .

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Marshall's Point of View

I sigh as I look at her in disbelieve .. I can't believe she came to see me , after all these years ; she still remembers me .. I know I'm dreaming , but her touch feels too real . All this time , I beat myself up for not being able to save her , but she never really needed it . She was just under a wicked spell , it was breaking us apart but it only brought us closer . I rub my eyes a couple of times , trying to remember every detail of the face that once made me feel so alive .

I smile as tears roll down my face , finally accepting my faith . The vivid image disappears as I sit on the ceiling , looking down at everything below me . Ice Queen's words played in my head like a record , unable to erase them . I'm proud of you , she said quietly . After all this time , she's proud of me for surviving on my own ; ever since she left , that's what I had to do to keep her love alive .

Ever since Gumball helped me get some closure from my past , my life has honestly felt too good to be true ; not in a bad way , or anything .. but , it just feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders . Ice Queen doesn't remember anything she said , and even though it breaks my heart .. I think it's for the best , at least I had the chance to hear her voice and feel her touch one last time before insanity consumed her again . I feel free , I feel refreshed and I feel alive .

Ever since then , I've started seeing her way too often in my dreams ; she usually visits me , and talks to me about her journey without me . Each time I see her vision , it brings back all of those extremely happy memories from my childhood . I do cry every time I see her , but it's become more of a relieving type of crying ; it doesn't make me sad anymore , I moved on from being sad over her .. She's in a better place , and she knows that she'll always have a special place in my heart . Whenever I get the chance , I always tell her that I love her with all the strength left in me . She always cries whenever she hears my words , but we both know what it feels like to be loved .

I will forever be thankful for Gumball's help . Without him , I would not have gotten closure from my past and I will appreciate his kind gesture . I know , it would seem like I changed but I haven't , not completely anyway ; I'm still an asshole , I'm still the center of attention and I will forever be the King of Rydell High . But , I'm trying to change for the sake of the Ice Queen ; she knows I've been trouble ever since she left , she knows I've had a hard time .. And whenever she visits me , she tells me that she wants that to change ; I promised her that I'll try it , but I didn't guarantee anything .

Gumball and I have gotten some-what closer than before , and we both know why . He was the only person who took the time out of his busy schedule to make one of my most desirable dreams come true . Not even Ash would do that for me , and we're brothers ! I'm someone who doesn't believe in friendship , love , and partnership .. I've always been kind of a loner , even though everyone proves otherwise ; even though I get a lot of attention , I keep to myself . But , everything changed when I met Gumball .

" Oh ! Good morning , your Majesty ! " I laugh as I mock his respectful ways , bowing down in front of him . He shushes me playfully , looking around at everyone minding their own business . Nobody knows or recognizes him as the Prince of Ooo , and he likes it that way .. but , I still like to get on his nerves , threatening him to reveal his secret ; he doesn't take it seriously, though , he knows I will keep his secret locked up in the vault of my mind .

" You're too much , Marshall " Gumball rolls his eyes as he pushes me against the lockers . I fake a groan , pretending to be hurt by his strength and the impact of the lockers . Also , ever since I started hanging out with him more , everyone else also wanted to be his friends .. It's kind of fucked up , but he knows not to give in to fake peers . He always tells me that he doesn't need other's company to be happy , and I admire him for that .

I laugh as I wrap my arm around his shoulders playfully , rubbing his hair in a sweet and jokingly way . It may seem like we're flirting with each other , but we're not .. We like each other's company , we enjoy joking around , and we've also fallen in love deeply with the art of pranking ; I know he's supposed to be serious , demanding and respectful .. but , he's come out of his shell more . Even though he's royalty , he's still a teenager and teenagers are supposed to have fun , be free and have no responsibilities ; that's what I've tried to show him as the days go by .

" Listen , Gumball " I say , in a serious tone of voice . His eyes widen as my words come out , not expecting it . I shake my head as he punches my left shoulder , as we walk down the hallway towards our next class : Fine Arts . " The guys and I are having a bonfire party tonight , at the beach .. and well , " I scratch the back of my head , unable to get my words out . I've never had friends before , I've never had any type of social interaction with anyone until Ash showed up .. It's hard for me to communicate , I'm not good with words and I always get nervous around everyone . " I want you to come along with us "

His eyes light up as I finally complete my sentence . He shows no excitement or enthusiasm , but I can tell he's full of energy and joy due to my invitation . The guys have been begging me to go to the beach with them , and I just thought that maybe inviting Gumball was a good idea . The guys have shown to really like him , but I could be wrong ; you never know with people nowadays , but still .. I wanted to shoot my shot , before it was too late .

" I would love to come with you , thank you " He responds , calmly . I shake my head as I start to speed-walk , leaving Gumball behind . He catches up with me as we start running towards our next class , not caring about getting in trouble or knocking other student's down .

That's what I like about Gumball , he's a fast learner . He likes to live in the moment , just like I do .. Maybe , that's why we have a connection that no one else sees but us .

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