Chapter Twelve : Giving Up .

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Marshall's Point of View

- 3:00 a.m -

It's been two months . Two months since I've seen him . Two months since I cowardly walked away from an amazing friendship and person . Two months since I've slept well . Two months , that's all it took for my world to fall apart . I wonder what he's doing right now , I wonder how he feels about all of this , I wonder how he's taking it .. Probably better than I am , let's be honest .

" Dude , stop moping around over some stupid guy ! " Ash comes into the living room with a can of beer in hand . He places a hand on my shoulder , and I slap it away . I turn around and shove him , demanding for him to get away from me . " Stop acting crazy , Marshall ! This isn't you , dude ! " His drunken speech starts pissing me off , to the point where I'm debating whether or not to kill him with my own two hands .

" Shut the fuck up , Ash ! " Filled with fury , I push him to the ground and start squeezing his neck tightly . " You don't know anything ! " Tears start rolling down my cheeks as I start squeezing tighter and tighter to the point where my hands are now white . Ash starts making chokcing noises , begging me to stop . I hear his pleading , but don't stop .. I want to stop but I can't , it's like my hands are glued onto his neck .. And that's where I knew if I didn't stop , I'll lose the only person I have left .

I rapidly take my hands off , and back away from him . He starts coughing as his breathing becomes shallow . I look at him one last time , red marks appearing on his neck .. from where I was chocking him . I stare down at my hands and immediately start to shake . I could've killed him .. I could've killed my best friend .. I was going to kill my brother ..

I rapidly get out of the house , not knowing where else to go . I get into my car and with shaking hands start driving . No time , no destination , nowhere to go . Somehow , I ended up here once again . I don't know what I'm doing here , but might as well go for a swim in the meantime .

It's been two months since I've been here . I stopped going to the beach ever since what happened with Gumball ; the beach just brought too many bad memories at the time . This was supposed to be our happy place , until I fucked it up . I'm always fucking something up .. At the end of the day , I will always be a failure to myself and others .

I step out of my car and sigh , looking at the scenery before me . The calm and serene breeze hitting my face lightly , the salty smell of the sea and the beautiful and mysterious sound of the waves . I slowly start walking towards it , feeling the warm sand beneath my feet .

I squint my eyes as I come closer to the beach , spotting a familiar looking figure on the edge of the beach . I get this sudden feeling of panic as I start running towards the figure , not know why I'm doing it . The figure seems to spot me , as it starts running towards the ocean ; it would seem like it was seeking help , or it was trying to end their lives .

" I know you don't know me , but you don't have to end your life . " I squint my eyes once again , trying to make it as visible as possible for me to see the figure . The light and cold breeze gently sway my hair to another side , making it messier than before . 

" You shouldn't care , I'm going to end up dying anyway . " The figure says , its voice shaky and unstable . It would even seem like it was crying , but it doesn't turn around . I quietly start walking toward it , feeling intrigued by what's occurring in front of me . I gently grab the figures shoulders as I turn it around so it would be facing me .

My heart breaks in two as I see the who it is in front of me . I blink a few times , hoping it would just be my mind playing tricks on me . " G-Gumball ? W-Were you just going to end your life ? " My voice breaks instantly as soon as I replay his sentence in my mind again , hearing those harsh words coming out of his mouth .. " Are you fucking insane ? This isn't like you at all ! " I grab his shoulders and give him a rough shake , trying to snap him out of those horrible thoughts . Before even noticing it , I can already feel the tears rolling down my cold cheeks .

" Why do you care so much ? You left , remember ? " He shoves me away , stepping away from me . He walks towards the san , sits down and covers his face as I hear his sobs coming from a short distance . I sigh as I walk towards him , sitting beside him . He faces away from me , grabbing his knees and quietly sobbing . " Can you please just fuck off and leave me alone ? " He whispers , his voice full of pain and regret . My eyes start to water instantly as soon as those words come out of his mouth .

I thought he would still want me around , but I guess I was wrong .. 

" I never meant to hurt you .. but , I guess I'll go " I say , my voice coming out as a shaky whisper . He stops sobbing to listen to my words , not saying anything in return . I breathe out as I get up and begin to walk away slowly , looking back as I look at him one last time . " I have cancer , Marshall .. " My world stops as soon as he delivers the news , breaking my heart even more . I debate on whether or not I should go back to the car , but decide to run up to him and hug him with every strength I have left in my body .

" G-Gumball , you can't die .. Promise me that you won't " I cry out , desperately looking for a miracle or solution to this problem . I hold him tighter than ever , not wanting to let go . I'm sure he must be devasted , but why is he being so calm right now ? I pull away , still leaving my hands on his shoulders .. I look at every detail of his face , trying to record every detail in my brain , hoping I won't forget anything . I take my thumb and wipe away his tears lightly , not knowing how to cope with the news.

" I really want to die , Marshall .. " He states clearly , grabbing my hands and putting them down beside my torso . I instantly feel that he's pushing me away , not wanting my affection or pity . I sit down beside him as we stare off to the dark horizon , listening to the sounds of the waves . " I have a year to five left to live , Marshall .. I can't do anything about it , I have already met my faith early "

" But , what about me .. ? " 

- To Be Continued -

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