Chapter Eleven : A Big Mistake .

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Gumball's Point of View

- Two Months Later -

These last couple of months have been a rollercoaster for me . Not only did I lose my best friend but I've been coughing and feeling sick for the past week or so . I don't exactly know why I got sick , but I do know why I lost the only person who taught me everything I know . Everything came crashing like a hurricane that night , everything happened too fast for my liking .. but , I did want it more than anything .

The way his lips crashed against mine , the way he left kisses all over my naked body , the things he whispered in my ear that night .. It was a dream come true , it was something I craved ever since I've seen him fighting LSP the first day of school .. But , it ended up being such a disappointment .

I don't even remember what happened that night , all I can remember was the moaning that escaped our lips that night , and the way it felt to be touched by him . I'm sure he blames it on the alcohol , but I don't .. I blame myself completely . I knew something like this would happen , but I didn't stop it . And noow , look at me ! A complete loser .. 

" Gumball , how are you feeling ? " Butterscotch Butler comes into my room with a tray , chicken soup and apple juice on it . I smile weakly as she sets the tray on my nightstand and touches my forehead . She bites her lip , not knowing what else to do with my sickness . I was supposed to have an appointment with the doctor a week ago , but I haven't been feeling quite well so I always end up canceling it . But , Butterscotch Butler is forcing me to go today .

" I'm feeling better today , Mom " I lie through gritted teeth , hoping she doesn't catch me red handed . She worries too much about me , and I don't like it .. I know it's supposed to be her job to do so , but I don't let her . She sighs as she runs her hand through my hair , looking down at my pale and warm face . " I'll be okay soon , it's just a cold . Nothing to worry about " She smiles , kisses my forehead and starts getting my clothes out of the closet for me .

She does too much for me , and I really am grateful for her . She still doesn't know about what happened with Marshall , but I'm sure she has her own assumptions and suspicious about why he hasn't shown up lately . Never the less , I plan on keeping it a secret because it will destroy me if anyone else knew ; not because I'm ashamed , no .. but , because he left me right after .

I weakly get up and start getting ready for my appointment with Doctor Ice Cream . I really hope everything goes well , and get out of there with good news . I quickly put something on , eat and head out the door ; I sigh as I begin walking down the hallway , panic beginning to set into my chest . Everything is going to be okay , everything will be fine .

" Ah , your Majesty " Doctor Ice Cream greets me with a bow , showing respect towards me . I chuckle and roll my eyes at his gesture , still not getting used to people treating me like the rightful Prince of Ooo . Everyone in school still don't know my real identity , except for Marshall .. But , that's a story for another time . " I'm glad you could make it this time . Please , sit down " He gestures towards the chair surrounded by different machines and medical equipment . I breathe out as I sit down , chills traveling down my spine . I am not a fan of doctors and I will forever stand by it .

" So tell me , what's wrong with you ? " Doctor Ice Cream grabs his clipboard and stethoscope as he walks towards me , sitting in a chair in front of me . I take a deep breath as I place my hand over my chest , feeling the rapid beats of my heart . " I've had a cough and fever for about two weeks , Doctor Ice Cream . I think its a common cold , but you're the doctor here " I chuckle at my remarkable sense of humor . He shakes his head and starts running a few tests to see what's the cause of my sickness .

Butterscotch Butler comes into the room fifteen minutes later , to check up on me . Doctor Ice Cream still hasn't quite finished running the tests , that's why it's taking so long . Butterscotch Butler sits down beside me and grabs my hand , reassuring me that everything will turn out just fine . I smile at her as we continue waiting for the results to come in .

" Um , Butterscotch Butler ? " Doctor Ice Cream calls our her name , getting both of our attention . The doctor motions for her to follow him outside , she kisses my forehead before following and leaving me in this empty room with my thoughts . I sigh as I look around the room , a lot of thoughts flowing into my mind ; I've always wondered how people react to bad news concerning their health . I've never had health problems , except stress and a little bit of unstableness . But , nothing serious . Can you imagine someone coming in here and receiving bad news ? I don't know how the deal with it , but I'm sure it's horrible .

As I wait for them to come back in , I start fiddling with my thumbs in a circular motion . This has always calmed me down in serious situations , but it also helps me pass the time quicker .

Doctor Ice Cream and Butterscotch Butler come into the room ten minutes later . Their face expressions scare me and make me wonder . Doctor Ice Cream looks serious , but that's how he always looks . Butterscotch Butler looks worried but tries to hide it , but she and I both know that she can't hide things from me . Something's not right here ..

" Gumball , listen .. " Butterscotch Butler grabs both of my hands and looks at me deep in the eye , as Doctor Ice Cream leaves the room . I look at the door , then I look back at her . Her eyes are filled with tears , and that's when I knew .. something's wrong with my health . " I love you , and I want you to know that . " She finishes her sentence as her hands start shaking under mine . 

" Mom , what's going on ? " I ask in a serious but desperate tone of voice . I know something is not right , I can feel it in the air and tension between us . I know something's wrong because Doctor Ice Cream left the room as soon as Buttercotch Butler started talking . " What's wrong with my health , mother ? " I say , my voice coming out as a shaky whisper . She sighs as she looks at the door , waiting for Doctor Ice Cream to come back .

" Gumball , there's something you need to know about your health " Doctor Ice Cream says as he comes back into the room , looking calm but worried at the same time . He sits down in front of me , with a neurologic exam in hand . I take a deep breath as I brace myself for what's about to come to me . " We've found a tumor forming in your brain .. " He stops speaking as soon as Butterscotch Butler runs out of the room . I sit back on the chair , staring back at him . Somewhere deep in my heart , I knew something like this was gonna happen to me .. I felt it in my gut , but I was too stupid to even take a notice .

" How long do I have left , Doctor ? " I ask calmly , not letting my emotions control my actions . He sighs as he checks his clipboard once again , looking through a few of his papers . I hold both of my hands in place , feeling their shakiness from underneath my skin . I continue breathing heavily , taking deep breaths . " We really can't tell , but about a year to five .. I'm sorry , your Majesty " He places a hand on my shoulder , gives me a weak smile and steps out of the room for me to absorb the news in peace .

And that's when it hit me .. I'm going to die soon .

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