Chapter Fourteen : Quit Playing Games With My Heart .

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Marshall's Point of View

After a long night of talking and dealing with our problems ; crying included .. we ended up falling asleep on the couch together , extremely tired from talking up a storm all night . At first , Gumball was kind of shy and nervous to be in the same room together after what happened last time .. I told him not to worry , that I wasn't going to pressure him into doing anything he didn't want to do . After a couple of minutes of comforting him and convincing , he calmed down a bit and that's where our conversation started .

I rub my eyes a bit before turning to my left , seeing a sleeping Gumball . His face is a little flushed and wet from crying all night , I could ever hear his sobs in the middle of the night .. but , I didn't want to do anything about it because it's not my place ; I am not his lover or his boyfriend , or even his family to do such a thing . I stretch out before getting up , putting a blanket on top of him . I sigh as I walk towards the door , thinking about getting him some breakfast to start out the day on a good note .

As I start driving , I begin thinking about what happened last night .. I have tried my hardest not to think about the fact that Gumball has cancer and anything related to that nature , but it's hard ; even though I've had a hard life , I've never imagined going through something like this . 

I'm sure it's harder for him , but what about me ? I know it sounds extremely selfish and arrogant , but I can't help it .. He's changed it for the better , and I don't mean it in a cheesy and cliche type of way ; he really has changed my life for the better , I think . I really can't believe he's going to be gone soon , but I can't mope around about that .. I have to make things better and easier for him , I'm sure he's already going through a whole lot . He doesn't need any more pressure .

" Hey , can I please get the breakfast combo ? " I go through the drive-thru to make things quicker and easier for myself and for Gumball as well , I'm sure he's going to wake up soon and I don't want him to wait for his food . While he was sleeping last night , I stayed up researching everything there was on cancer and how loved one's deal with it ; it was a scary thought and experience , but I gained knowledge from it and I think Gumball will appreciate me even more now that I'm actually interested in what's going on with him .

As soon as I get the meal and start driving back to the beach house , my eyes immediately start watering uncontrollably . I pull over and put my hands and head on the wheel , trying to stabilize myself ; I've always had problems with my emotions and mental health , but I never thought it would be this bad .. especially now , with Gumball's illness coming out into the light . I wipe my tears away harshly , not knowing what else to do with what's happening .

" Come on , Marshall .. Get it together " I repeat the phrase over and over again in my head and out loud , hoping everything inside me would come down .. Gumball actually has cancer , he actually has-- .. bad thoughts start filling up my mind , bringing more tears to my eyes . I punch the sterring wheel as everything becomes clear to me .. What am I going to do without him being here ?

I know life should go on , and I should move on .. but , how the hell am I supposed to do that ? It took me a thousand years to get over what happened to the Ice Queen .. can you imagine how long would it take for me to get over Gumball's death ? I can't do that , not anymore at least ..

Panic starts invading every bone in my body , causing me to go into a mental breakdown .. I open up the glove compartment and take out a bottle of pills that usually calm my anxiety down . I take a handful of them in my mouth and with a sip of water , I swallow them down . I start feeling dizzier and droopier by the second .. By the time I realized what happened , it was too late .

I somehow managed to drive myself to the house without killing myself in the process . I dizzily walk into the house with Gumball's breakfast in hand . He worriedly walks up to me and wraps his arms around my torso , not wanting to let go . I softly push him away as I hand him his breakfast and walk away , not saying anything to him .

" What the fuck is wrong with you ? " Gumball throws the bag of food on the table as he follows me , a tantrum starting to form . I sigh and groan as I lay down on the bed , putting a pillow on top of my head .. I shouldn't have taken to many goddamn pills . " You're seriously gonna push me away again ? " Gumball slams the door shut as he takes the pillow off of my face . His face is blushed with fury and frustration .

" Gumball , leave me the fuck alone ! " I say , raising my voice enough for him to hear . I turn my back to him as I close my eyes and begin drifting off to sleep . He walks to the other side of the bed and without a warning , he sends a slap accross my face . I groan at the incrutiating pain of his hand against my cheek meat . " What the hell , man ? "

" Stop acting this way , Marshall ! " His voice cracks as he starts speaking , soft sobs coming out of his pink lips . " I know this is hard for you , but what about me ? I'm going to die soon .. I thought you would at least be supportive " His lip quivers as tears start rolling down his face . He looks at me one last time , before opening the door and running out of the room .

My head tells me to stay here , to give him some space but my heart tells me to go after him , comfort him and apologize for being an ass to him ; he's already going through enough .. He doesn't need me putting more pressure on him . Afte 10 minutes of debating , arguing , and thinking , I run out of the house to look for Gumball .

After looking for him for about 10 minutes , I find him sitting against a tree , looking out at the beautiful scenery that's in front of us . I sigh as I shyly walk towards him , not knowing how to face him .. He spots me and starts moving away from me , almost if he didn't want me around . " Hi .. I'm sorry " I whisper as I put my hand around his jaw and turn it so it's facing me ; his cheeks are red from all the crying he's been doing , his eyes sparkle with the leftover tears he's had to shed . I carefully wipe his tears away and kiss both of his cheeks softly , he flinches as soon as my lips touch his skin .

I look up at him as his whole body starts shaking .. It almost looks like he's scared of me , his eyes show it all . " Hey , hey .. it's okay . I won't hurt you " I say softly as I stop thinking about my pride and ego , and start focusing on him and how he feels and how he's dealing with all of this .. He looks up at me as I take his hand in mine , kissing it softly . After a while , he let his guard down and started being comfortable around me , again ..

" Please forgive me .. I don't know what came over me . But hopefully , we'll conquer this obstacle together .. That is , if you still want me to be involved .. "

He chuckles lightly , some of the pain being taken away by my words " I'd like that "

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