Chapter Eighteen : Last Breath

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Marshall's Point of View

I woke up with fear and agony deep in my gut , I had to get away from the castle for a little while ; I also didn't wanna wake Gumball up , he's barely had any sleep the past few days . I can tell cancer's kicking his ass even more each and every day , and I can tell he's not going to keep fighting any longer . As I walk through the dark forest , I start thinking about everything that has happened .. ever since I met him .

I changed completely , I'm not the heartless asshole I once was .. Ever since he stopped me from fighting with LSP , things have completely changed for me ; I finally got closure from the Ice Queen , I finally felt relieved and happy to be alive , and everything was caused because of him .

What really killed me the most out of our story was when I saw him trying to kill himself by drowning , I don't even remember what took over me but I knew I had to stop him before it was too late . I can even remember the loud sobs he cried into my chest that night , hating his life and hating himself for not being able to stop such disease from getting to him .

I felt my chest tightened as I remembered the moment he told me had gotten cancer , and I think I will never ever forget what that felt like . It was more than dying , it was more than a stab in the back , it was .. full heartbreak ; and I couldn't even stop it / or control it .. because that was something that neither of us , or anyone , could stop .

It's about 3 a.m right now , in the Land of Ooo . I couldn't sleep at all last night , or any night for that matter ; this vision of Gumball always seemed to appear in my mind and wake me up . I'm not going to say much because if I do , I can feel that it will eventually come true .

Gumball died alone in my vision , I wasn't there to say goodbye and I wasn't there when he took his last breath . I remember waking up with a cold sweat , and shivers running up and down my spine ; thank god Gumball was asleep when it happened , I wouldn't want him to ask too many questions about it ..

After about an hour and a half of walking around and clearing up my thoughts , I decide to finally head back to the castle to see if Gumball needs my assistance with all of his procedures . As soon as I walk into the main hall , I instantly feel regret and panic ; I rush upstairs and into his room , a bunch of nurses and doctors meet my eyes as I start to shake and panic .

Something's definitely not right , I can feel it .

" W-What's going on ? " My eyes immediately fall into Gumball's bed , his body lies there .. but , I can sense something more . This is not a normal check-up .. this has to be something worse than that . I walk over to his side and notice that his chest isn't rising up and down like it should , it actually looks like .. he isn't breathing at all .

" W-Wha .. W-Wh-- W-Why isn't his chest moving ? C-Can-- S-Someone tell me , w-what's .. going on ? " That's all I manage to get out in a short amount of time . I can feel my body shake , I can feel the fast heart-beat of my heart in my ears . I grab his hand and flinch at how cold and life-less it feels .

" M-Marshall .. I'm sorry , but Gumball's dead .. He died about an hour ago "

My head started spinning at those words came out of the doctor's mouth , I can feel myself getting dizzy as I stumble on the ground and end up blacking out as my head hits the floor .

- Somewhere in Marshall's Subconsciousness -

" Marshall , are you there ? Wake up , my love " I open my eyes to a bright light . As my eye-sight stabilizes , I lock eyes with the man who has put me through hell and back . He helps me up by grabbing both of my hands in his . I stare directly at him , as I put my hand over his cheek and rub it softly .. this isn't right , I shouldn't be dreaming this .. 

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