Chapter Sixteenth : Something About The Way You Look Tonight .

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Marshall's Point of View

Panic took over my body as we rushed through the hallways , Gumball's body lying cold and stiff on a hospital stretcher . His face's pale , almost a light blue shade and anyone can tell that he's having trouble staying alive ; I look over at Butterscotch Butler as tears run down her eyes , not knowing what else to do .

I blame myself for not taking extra precautions with him , I should've been more careful with him and his emotions ; everyone should know that by now , he's very unstable and sensitive towards his illness . I sigh as we reach the door , the paramedics open it and immediately go in with an unconscious Gumball . Butterscotch Butler proceeds to go in , but stays back as she spots me sitting on a chair in front of the door .

" You know , " She sighs as she sits beside me , holding my shaking hands into hers " We've dealt with this for a long time , and even though this is not your duty or responsibility .. I'm glad Gumball has you by his side " She gives me a apologetic smile as she gets up again , and proceeds to go into the room .

Her words echo inside my mind , as I begin taking deep breaths trying to calm myself down . She's definitely right , it's not my responsibility to be here for him .. but for some reason , I feel like it is my responsibility . I'm not sure why , I was so cold and broken when I first met it .. and for some reason , I feel less cold and broken inside ? Maybe he did change me , maybe I felt home when I was with him , maybe he became my new distraction from my problems with the Ice Queen ..

Well , whatever it was , it is my responsibility to be here for him .. After all , he saved me from myself . I compose myself and put on a brave face before entering the door , seeing the doctors and nurses being rushed around to help him and his condition . Everyone's doing their job well , but I still feel some sort of panic deep inside my gut ; I gulp as I walk up to his bed , seeing him look so weak and vulnerable . Tubes and other equipment are being tied to his body , I guess to monitor his progress or some medical procedure bullshit .

" How is he doing , doctor ? " I ask shyly , trying not to worry too much about the things my eyes are seeing right now . Doctor Ice Cream looks at me from the corner of his eye as he writes some things down on his clipboard , turns to look at me and sighs . He quietly tells us to follow him outside , and that's when I start sweating . " His condition is stable now , but he's not responding at the moment .. it looks like he will be okay , but I don't think he will last for much longer " Butterscotch Butler and I both sigh at the same time .

We try not to cry anymore , we've dealing with this for almost a year and it's gonna keep hurting but we still manage to act happy around Gumball . We both thank him for his time before he leaves us alone in the middle of the hallway . Dealing with someone who's a victim of cancer is not easy nor fun .. it's something you will never ever get used to , not matter how many times it gets harder and harder .

" Butterscotch , get some sleep .. I'll take care of him , don't worry " I assure her as I spot the dark circles formed under her eyes . I kneel down for her to kiss my forehead and she leaves , leaving me alone with my thoughts . I gotta admit , this hasn't been easy for any of us but .. it has been harder on Butterscotch Butler ; I can't imagine what she must feel right now , her knowing that her son is going to die due to cancer is not the most pleasant thing for a mother to feel .

I walk into the room again , gathering my crowded thoughts into one . It seems like everything has calmed down for now , it's only Gumball and I in the room . He moved around , trying to get into a more comfortable position ; he fails due to all of the medical equipment being tied to his body , so I help him . I carefully try softening his pillows and gently tuck him in .. his eyes slowly flutter open , as he squints from the bright light above us .

" Wha-- " He tries to speak but fails miserably due to how weak his body is , he's been in here for at least five hours . I can't say I'm surprised , though .. It's been a long nice . I shush him and caress his hair , just the way he likes it . He gives me a weak but comforting smile as he continues to look around the room , his face expression not changing ; I'm sure he's already used to all of this , so nothing scares him anymore . " It's okay , Gumball . I'm here " I assure him as soon as he stops looking around and starts looking at me .

" I freaked out again , didn't I ? " Gumball whispers as he sighs , tired from being in this position . I softly nod , trying not to give out too much information that would worry him . I gently place a soft kiss on his forehead , trying to be cute and casual for him . He lightly blushes at the heat from my lips on his skin .

" Marshall .. Can I talk to you about something , before something serious like this happens again ? " He asks softly , as nurses come in and take all of that medical equipment off of him ; he should be able to leave soon enough , then . He wheezes as he tries to get up from the bed to leave , but his body is too weak so he ends up falling into my arms . I carefully carry him to his bedroom for him to rest for the rest of the night , I nod as I place him on the edge of his bed . 

" It's been more than a year since we last .. you know , touched each other in that way . And , I know you're scared of hurting me , both physically and mentally because of what happened last time .. but , I want it . " He stops as soon as I kneel down in front of him , I can tell he's frightened to the core .. " I don't want to die without getting the chance to feel you again  .. "

I place my index finger over his lip , shutting him up . Flashbacks start crowding my mind , last time we had sex was a mistake .. Well , it wasn't the way I wanted it to be . " You know I would give you the whole wide universe if I could , but are you sure about this ? " I question his request , but he nods anyway . I carefully take his clothes off , trying not to hurt his bruises and scars from all the surgeries they had to do on him . I softly start nibbling on his ear and then go down on his neck , as I push him gently on the bed without the need of hurting him .

Soft moans escape his pink lips , and I'd forgotten how good they sounded . I try to control my desires and wants because I don't want to be too aggressive with him . I look down at him as I'm about to take off his pants , " Are you sure you want this ? " I ask him again , and for a moment there .. it seems like that sparkle that was once gone in Gumball's eyes came back to life !

The night took care of us after that , if you know what I mean ;)

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