Chapter Thirteen : Calm After The Storm .

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Gumball's Point of View

I took a deep breath as I replayed Marshall's words in my head . " What about me ? " He said with certainty , tears running down both of our cheeks . My bones ached with fury and aggression .. I don't know what controlled me , but I took my hand and slapped it across his face as soon as he said those words . All he cares about is himself , what about me ? I'm the one who was diagnosed with cancer , I'm the one who's going to die in a short amount of time .. He has nothing to worry about , unlike me ; I have everything to worry about !

" Marshall , I swear to glob .. " I breathed in and out , trying to calm my nerves at the arrogant prick in front of me . Doctor Ice Cream told me to avoid people like these , but he didn't say how hard it was going to be .. He said that I should take things slow for now , so I don't accelerate cancer's process of killing me . " Marshall Lee , go . I don't want to see you ever again ! " My voice comes out shaky and furious , filled with pain . If he doesn't want to help me go through with this , then he can walk out the door . I've managed to live without him for a while , I think I can do it for a year more .

" I'm not leaving you like this , Gumball . " If looks could kill , I'd be dead right now . I can tell he's pissed as well , but this is not his fight or battle . He doesn't even care about me or my illness , so why is he sticking around ? He grabs my shirt collar and pulls me towards his face , the choking feeling consuming my conscience . " I don't want you to do anything stupid , understand ? " He grabs my wrist with force , causing me to wince at the pain . His eyes widen as he feels something wet underneath my shirt .. I sigh as I look at him with guilt and regret . His face expression suddenly changes , from sad to extremely pissed .

" Gumball , take it off " He lets go of my collar and pulls at my shirt , commanding me to take my shirt off . I look down at my right wrist and notice a red stain on my white shirt . Fuck , I should've changed shirts when he came .. " Now ! " He screams at me with fury and anger , his voice cracking with pain and disappointment . I roll my eyes at him as I slowly begin to take my shirt off , my true colors beginning to show up as I become half naked in front of him .

" Why did you do it ? " He asked calmly , trying to contain his emotions deep inside of him . I shiver as I hug my naked chest , wincing at the pain from my cuts . I tried being strong , I tried to contain my pain and sorrow inside my heart but failed .. I cover my face as emotion controls me , not knowing how to react to all of this happening . I begin to sob loudly , not caring about what he thinks .. I was calm when the doctor diagnosed me , but I guess the news finally started settling in . " B-Because I fucking hate myself and want to die as soon as possible "

" Gumball , stop " He pulls me closer to him with his right arm , using his left one to trace over the scars on my chest and arms . I shiver under his touch , it was both sickening and addicting . I was desperate to feel something , so that's why I decided to cut myself .. Maybe it wasn't the best way to deal with the problem , but it did help for a little bit . " You need to stop talking like that . Do you remember how I was when we met ? " 

I stop sobbing into my hands as I look up at him , his radiant smile blinding my not so clear eyesight . He gentle traces his thumb over my cheeks to wipe my tears away , then moves lower to my lip . He gently brushes his thumb over my lip as he chuckles . When we first met , he was way different than he is now ; he used to be the biggest prick , asshole and douche I had ever met .. and , he still is somewhat that . But , I could feel him changing as the time went on . " You changed me , Gumball .. That's why I need you here with me , to become a better person "

" Marshall , you left me .. You left me there naked and vulnerable . I didn't even know how to react to what happened . I don't even remember half of it , and it hurt .. " My confession finally setting into thin air , the atmosphere becoming tense and silent . He looks down at the sand beneath us , as he starts fiddling with his thumbs . He tries to talk but can't and ends up not saying anything at all . I sigh as I stand up , putting my shirt over my shoulder . I begin to make my way to the beach house , where he and I last saw each other until now . " Gumball , wait ! " He walked towards me as he walked up the starts and met up with me . He looked down at me as we stood in front of the door , not knowing what to do or say to each other .

He took his hands and placed them on both of my cheeks , pulling my face closer to his . Our lips crashed into each other as I could feel his pain through the kiss ; he was kissing me like if it were the last kiss we would ever share . I enjoyed the satisfying feeling it gave me , but decided to push him away for our sake . " Stop , Marshall . I'm not making the same mistake twice " I took a long last stare at him as I went into the house , beginning to close the door . He stopped it with his arm as I walked away , not caring about what he had to say .

" Gumball , stop being stubborn and listen to me , for glob's sake ! " He yelled as he swung the door open , the loud noise echoing around the empty house . I jumped at the loud sound , not knowing what to expect from this man . I turned around as I stared at him , fear controlling my nerves . He moved closer to me , tears beginning to form into his eyes once again . 

" I was scared and ashamed , that's why I left ! I thought it would be the best for you but I was wrong ; I missed out on two months worth of time I could've been using to hang out with you . " He says , his voice breaking as he starts sobbing . I've never seen him so hurt and broken , not even when we met Ice Queen that one time . " You- You can't leave me now , I have no one else ! I already lost the Ice Queen .. I can't lose you , too " At that moment , he fell on his knees as he was too weak to hold himself up any longer . I ran towards his side as I hugged him tightly , trying to ease his pain . Dealing with cancer is not easy , but I can't imagine the pain someone else could be going through as they find out . 

I didn't know what else to do . I've never dealt with situations like these , I've never had to deal with the problems of others .. I always had people take care of that for me . I took my index finger under his chin , lifting it up for his eyes to meet mine . I didn't know what came over me , but all I could do was kiss him . A kiss to forget all of our problems . A kiss to seal the deal . A kiss is a promise the heart makes . " I won't leave you , Marshall .. Even if I'm not here , I will always be with you . And , that's a promise "

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