chapter 3

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After I dropped my little bombshell, the walk back was pretty straightforward. Dull, even. S'ok, though, "dull" doesn't bother me too much. After how "exciting" the past couple of days were, I could really use a bit of rest.

Of course, it's not like I need rest. This damn suit makes sure of that. I'm pretty certain that I couldn't sleep if I wanted to, by now.

Penny left before we arrived, something about not wanting her "father" to know she had met up with Ruby again. A robot that's also a rebellious teenager. Goddamn, whoever made her brain must be an absolute fucking genius.

Now, though, I'm standing at the front gates of "Beacon Academy," and holy hell it looks like someone crossed Disney World with Hogwarts. This is a fucking school? Back home, schools were all old, square, and ugly. This looked like a fucking castle.

Ruby noticed me admiring the scenery. "Like it?"

I nodded. "Yeah, we don't really have places like this on Earth anymore. Unless it's private, or has some major history behind it, most of them are abandoned. Too expensive to maintain."

She smiled. "Alright, lets go inside! I'll take you to Headmaster Ozpin, he'll know what to do. We'll have go through the school, but don't worry, most of the students are really welcoming and friendly!"

Alrighty then, time to meet the neighbors. Again.

It should be fairly apparent by now that I'm not very good at "first impressions." Being stuck in an exoskeleton that looks like a flayed man spray-painted black and chrome tends to do that, for some odd reason. Add that to my somewhat similar appearance to some of the Grimm, plus the fact that the Nanosuit already messes with people's heads, and you get a hell of a reaction.

When we walked in the gate, the courtyard beyond had a dozen or so students just hanging out, chatting with each other, reading, studying, that sort of crap. They didn't continue for very long, though. The first one to see me was a scrawny guy with a mohawk. He got really pale all a sudden. Others started looking up, and I got a whole spectrum of reactions.

One or two screamed, a few jumped, some reached for weapons, and one girl in particular looked up at me, lowered her sunglasses to get a better look, and then went back to her magazine.

I leaned towards Ruby. "Oh yeah, I feel welcome already. Real friendly bunch you got here."

One of the kids, some blonde guy, asked nervously, "Ruby? What's that?"

Ruby awkwardly cleared her throat. "Guys, it's alright, he's just wearing armor. I'm taking him to see Ozpin."

I faked a cheerful wave.

We kept walking, and eventually we made it inside the actual building. Every time we passed a student, they would stare until I was completely out of sight. Honestly though? I didn't really care. Stares and whispers were something that I've long since gotten used to. Hell, it's gotten to the point where I been accepting friendly fire as a way to say "hello."

"Sorry about that." Ruby was rubbing the back of her neck, looking pretty sheepish. "I didn't realize that would happen."

I shrugged. "Hey, at least they didn't shoot me in the head."

She cringed and looked up at me. "I really am sorry about that." Goddamn it. Now I feel like I kicked a puppy.

"Just a joke." Seeing that she still looked uncomfortable, I shook my head. "Seriously, it's fine, you're not the first one I've freaked out. Pretty much everyone reacts like that. I'm used to it by now."

Nanosuit and Soul Magic: A Crysis/RWBY crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now