bonus 6

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When I'd gotten myself together after the destruction of Beacon, hearing about what had happened to the girls resulted in...let's call it 'dismay.' Still, I'd managed to get in touch with Qrow, and he'd brought me up to speed on what was going on. Yang was in Patch, with her dad. Qrow was shadowing Ruby. Blake was missing, but I had to admit that of the four of them she was most capable of taking care of herself. Weiss, though, had gone back to Atlas with her dad.

I'd decided to check up on her. Papa Schnee hadn't left a positive impression the last time we'd talked, and I'd heard some uncomfortable talk about the circumstances of their departure.

So, that's how I ended up here, in front of the Schnee...well, mansion didn't really do it justice.

The house alone was the size of a large village, made of glass and polished marble. The grounds extended around it for acres, filled with carefully cultivated plant life and a couple of perfectly circular ponds with what looked like actual swans resting nearby. Even from outside the gate, I saw that the bird's wings were clipped, presumably to keep them around.

The whole thing was surrounded by a huge white metal wall, with human guards patrolling in duos along the top. Guess even Atlas lost trust in their robots after what happened. 

Now, I could ask to be let in to see Weiss. I don't think I ever got officially fired, which means that I'm still technically her bodyguard. Of course, I have a pretty realistic view of how Papa Schnee would take me asking "Hey, can I come in to make sure your daughter is cool with being here?"

So, naturally, I broke in. It was pretty easy, all things considered. Cloak, vault the wall, avoid guards on way in, and then just wait until someone opens the front door to just saunter in.

I almost snickered. Invisibility is so unfair.

Now, the biggest problem would have been getting lost in this goddamn castle, but I cheated there, too. I still had Weiss's biometric profile, and it was almost disappointingly easy to home in on the signal. The interior of the mansion was almost deserted, just shiny white walls, statues, and artwork. The place feels more like a museum than a house. I don't even need to cloak for most of it.

I actually pass Papa Schnee right before I arrive, heading back where I came from with a steely expression. Of course, I'd kept thermal on and cloaked before he turned the corner, and we walked right by each other. There's someone else nearby, but they're out of sight and moving further away. 

I raise my hand to knock on Weiss's door, but stop when I hear something from inside. It sounds almost like...crying. That can't be right, though, Weiss doesn't cry. Ever. Not when her sister came to visit, not when her sister left, not when she got scalded by superheated air from a magma flow, not when she was kidnapped and nearly executed by terrorists, not ever.

I kick the door off its hinges, viciously squelching the alarm signal that would have been sent out. Weiss, lying on a canopy bed, spins around at the loud crash. "A-Alcatraz?"

There's a rapidly purpling, palm-shaped bruise on her cheek.

"...Get your things together, we're leaving." I leave out 'before I give in to the temptation to kill your dad.'

"What are you doing here!? We all thought you were dead!"

"I got better, came to check up, and don't like what I'm seeing. Come on, we can work out the rest on the way."

I can practically see Weiss shoving all of her other questions aside to focus on the issue at hand, the tears forgotten even more completely. "Right. Leaving. The staff is under orders to not let me leave the grounds, so we'll have to be careful."

"Careful?" I unsling my Gauss Rifle and shoot out her window, the reinforced glass exploding. Half a dozen alarms instantly go off, and I let them go wild. "I've got favors owed from Atlas's government, and a rapidly growing grudge against your dad. Fuck careful, let's go for memorable."

The corner of Weiss's mouth quirks up in what can be just barely called a smile. "Alright." She strides over to an ornate box on her bedside table, opens it up, and pulls out her sword. 

A bunch of dudes in white suits and shades, carrying handguns come rushing into view from the hallway. "Ms. Schne-!"

She gestures, and a wall of ice blocks the doorway. "I suppose 'memorable' will have to do."


Me While Writing: "Huh, Jacques features in this significantly less than I thought he would. Wait, hang on, one last thing."


I walk into Papa Schnee's office with my cloak on. He looks up at the suddenly opened door, leaving him wide open to the swift punch I landed on his throat. He chokes, staggering back a step, before I step forward, grab him by his fucking white suit, and slam my head into his nose. Something snaps, and Jacques drops like a sack of bricks.

I decloak and crouch down next to him. He looks up at me, clutching his broken nose. "What the hell do you think you're doing!?"

If I could have smiled a wide, friendly smile, I would have. "Remember when you hired me as Weiss's bodyguard? Just doing my job, boss."


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