chapter 13

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Dr. Polendina (God what a mouthful) knocked on the door. “Penny? May we come in?” 

The answer came immediately. “Oh, of course!” The door cycles open, and me and Doc step in. Ironwood doesn’t follow. He said, “Gepard, If you don’t mind I think I’ll tour the facility, so I won’t be in your way.”

Doc waves a hand over his shoulder. “Oh, of course.” Huh, I can hear the family resemblance already. He walks into the new room. Ironwood nods towards me, and then walks off. 

When I step inside the room, the first thing that hits me is how...normal it is. Despite the high-tech surroundings, the room itself looks like your average teenage girl’s. A bed in the corner, with orange covers. A desk up against the wall, with one of Remnant’s high-tech computers sitting on it. Hell, there were even posters on the walls. Nothing I recognized, since I hadn’t exactly taken the effort to immerse myself in Remnant’s pop culture, but I could tell that there were movie posters, a few for some fictional characters I’d never heard of, and one or two posters for some kind of band.

Penny was sitting at the desk, on the computer. She had two windows open at the same time, running simultaneously. The first one looked like an article on sword fighting, and the second one was a slideshow of baby animals.

Penny swiveled her chair around and waved cheerfully. “Hello father!” Then, she noticed me. “Alcatraz? What are you doing here?”

“He’s agreed to help us with our research,” Doc explained, “Specifically on improvements and upgrades we can apply to you.”

Penny smiled. “Sensational! When do we begin?”

“Immediately! We were just stopping by to pick you up before heading down to the research wing.” Looks like Doc is just as excited as Penny is, maybe even more so. Penny logs off her computer, gets up, and walks after him as he leaves. 

Walking down another white corridor, on the way to wherever we’re going, Doc strikes up a conversation. “Now, Alcatraz, I’ve heard quite a lot about you. Professor Ozpin told us the whole story the day you arrived. Ironwood wanted to interview you earlier, but Ozpin managed to convince him to delay, in order to give you time to settle in. Now, I know you’re a soldier, not a scientist, but the slightest insight you can provide will be extraordinarily helpful.”

“I might just be a soldier, but I’m a soldier with an AI plugged into my brain. Plus, I’ve had two weeks of downtime, and the suit's got a surprising number of databases on itself.” Privately, I wondered if those were supposed to be there, or if SECOND had just decided that I could use the info.

Doc looks intrigued. “Cognitive augments? The report mentioned various cybernetic alterations, but didn’t go into specifics. Later information shed light on some of your capabilities, such as durability, regeneration, speed, and some sort of cloaking mechanism. When we arrive, would you object to some tests, in order to firmly gauge your capabilities?”

Even though he’d been pretty aboveboard with me so far, I was still kinda wary to let someone poke and prod me. “Well...yeah. I would. Sorry.”

He looked briefly disappointed, and I almost felt bad the guy. Not bad enough to change my decision, but the feeling was there.

“Oh. I see. Well then, you can simply describe your capabilities to me, and I’ll have to make the best of the information I’ll have. I believe it wouldn’t be too outrageous to assume that you have an eidetic memory?”

Huh. Good guess. “Uh, yeah, that’s right.” A thought hit me. “So, what do you study, exactly?”

Doc smiles. “A bit of everything, I suppose.”

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