chapter 14

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Finally, after that long walk, we arrived at the research labs. It was made out of thick steel, and took another lengthy code to open. 1-1-2-3-5-8-9-3-6-2-4-9. Even though Doc knows about my perfect memory, he doesn’t try to hide the code from me. It’s a little sign of trust.

Kinda naive, in my opinion, but I’m not going to complain about it. Doc and Penny go through first, and I walk in behind them.

The lab itself looked almost exactly like how I’d expected it to. There was another scientist already inside, seated at computers set on a table in the middle of the room. There was an array of complex machines set against the far wall, and two more doors. One was a smallish blast door in one of the corners, labeled ‘VOLATILES TESTING’. Sounds fun. The Other was less robust, and was on the left wall. This one was labeled ‘HIGH SECURITY STORAGE’. Less fun.

The scientist, a young guy with dark hair, hears us come in and bustles over almost immediately, apparently not even noticing me behind the Doc. “Dr. Polendina, I was just about to go looking for you! The new material shows incredible promise, far more durable than the current alloy. However, while we still cannot manufacture any more of it, the current stock should be more than sufficient for-”

Doc holds up a hand, stopping the wave of jargon. “That’s very good work, Cole, but I think we should focus on a different area today.” Right then, Cole sees me, and does an excellent impression of a fish out of water.

Eventually, he gets over his shock and throws his hands in the air. “Yes! We’ve been waiting for you to come by for weeks!” 

So apparently the enthusiasm I saw for weapons and fighting back in Beacon wasn’t just an isolated incident. Everyone’s completely fucking nuts about their job.

He grabs me by the arm and leads me over to one of the machines, chattering the whole way. “I’ve been theorizing about the composition of your suit ever since we first saw it in action. The auto-repair function is especially interesting, and the appearence already told us so much. We first assumed that it was some kind of artificial skin or other protective layer, but then we realized that there would be no room for servomotors or other strength-enhancing apparatus. Of course, when we learned that it was actually a completely synthetic muscular system, it took us in whole new directions. We’ve been attempting-”

I held up my hand, mirroring Doc’s previous action. “Whoa, slow down dude. How do you guys know so much about me?”

Cole, having been shaken out of his ‘science zone’, shrugged. “A strange person shows up with technology we’ve never even considered looking into before, claiming to be a soldier from another dimension who just won a war against hyper advanced aliens? Wouldn’t you try to learn everything you could about them?”

Dr. Polendina walked up behind me. “It was fairly simple. We were able to read the report that Ms. Rose gave to Ozpin, which told us a great deal. Afterwords, we watched the footage of your bout with Ms. Xiao Long, and the Schnee Corporation was kind enough to lend us their incident report from the attempted assassination of the heiress. I’m very sorry if these measures upset you, but we saw them as a necessary evil.”

Guess they aren’t a naive as they look. Good. Still a bit on the idealistic side, but I can work with that. Better than the alternative, anyway.

“Nah. In your position, I would have done the same thing. I also would’ve been a hell of a lot less sorry.”

Doc nods. “Good. Now, for introductions. This is Cole Dubhin. He’s ‘on loan’, so to speak, from the Mistral Scientific Institute, to aid us in studying an incredibly interesting recent acquisition of ours.”

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