chapter 7

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After the hitman landed, he didn’t move. I could get a read on his vitals, though, the fucker was still alive. He wasn’t unconscious, either, although it looked like he might be trying to fake it. Looked like he was doing a pretty good job of it, too. 

It might’ve even worked, if it wasn’t for the fact that I could read his biometrics at twenty meters. 

Weiss rejoins us on the walk over the guy. I guess it took her a few moments to get through her whatthefuck moment. 

“Heads up, he’s still awake, just pretending to be out.” 

Ruby nodded, looking serious. “Alright. Alcatraz, turn invisible and check him, make sure he isn’t going to try anything else. Yang, Blake, circle around, hem him in. Weiss, get ready to do something to keep him from running. I’ll cover him with Crescent Rose.”

I looked at her in surprise. I’d been about to say something very similar, but Ruby beat me to the punch. This was the first time I’d seen the leader of Team RWBY actually act like it, and it was a bit of a jarring change from her normal attitude. 

The others just accept their instructions, which almost prompted another double take from yours truly. I coulda sworn that Weiss wouldn’t react well to getting orders from anyone, especially since we weren’t in a pressing situation.

Well, you learn something new every day. 

I cloak, and start working my way towards the downed sniper. Now that I was closer, I could get a better look at him. That off-white mask looked a bit like the bone ones that the Grimm had. Another interesting thing is that he didn’t have hair. Instead, the dude had pitch-black feathers, like a crow or a raven. A quick gene scan let me know that he was, in fact, a raven man. Other than that, he had a white shirt, black jacket, black pants, and gray fingerless gloves.

His sniper rifle was pretty big, but smaller than Ruby’s fuck-off huge scythfle, but the scan recognized those weird readings that I’ve been associated with Remnant’s crazy-ass transforming weapons.

Other than that, though, he had nothing on him that I could detect. He might have something low-tech hidden under his clothes, but he didn’t have anymore guns, explosives, or Dust.

I waited for Yang to get into position, then decloaked. “Other than the rifle, he’s probably clean. Might have a knife or something.”

I cleared my throat to get his attention, and aimed my Gauss at him. “Hey, you there! Yeah, you, with the sniper rifle and the feathers. You’re not fooling anyone. Lie facedown, hands where I can see ‘em.”

No response.

I sighed. “Oh, right, where are my manners? Hands where I can see them, or I will blow your goddamn head off. Trust me, this thing hurts a hell of a lot more up close.”

Slowly, his hands moved out to his sides. “See? Aren’t things much easier when you cooperate? Now, you gonna tell us your name?”

Again, no response. “Okay, you know what? I dub thee ‘Jackass’. Now, Jackass, d’you mind telling me why you tried to ventilate one of my new pals?”

Nothing. “Okay then, strong silent type. Got it.”

Just to be sure, I ran a scan of his anatomy, and he was not mute. Boy, would my face have been red, huh?

I turned to wave over Ruby and Weiss, and heard a faint noise from behind me. I turned back just in time to see a throwing knife two centimeters from my visor.

Oh shi-

I don’t know what happens if someone scrambles my brain, and I don’t know if this knife can make it through my helmet, and I don’t want to know. I jerk my head backwards, fucking up the angle on the knife so the edge just glances off, instead of me getting an eyeful of the pointy bit.

Nanosuit and Soul Magic: A Crysis/RWBY crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now