chapter 11

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Once again, the walk through the tunnel was uneventful. This time, though, it wasn’t absurdly tense. We had faced the enemy, and ripped them a new asshole. It didn’t stop me from keeping my guard up, though. No sense in taking stupid risks.

After a long, quiet walk, we make it back to the surface. The guards, along with CRDL, are still standing guard over the massive hole in the ceiling. They point their guns at us, but lower them again when they see who we are. They’ve set up a few ladders to make it easier to climb out of the tunnel. Thoughtful of them.

The regular soldiers actually start cheering when we get to the surface. Mostly for the girls, but I like to think I hear at least one ‘Yeah, suit guy!” thrown in there. 

It’s nice to be thanked. I mean, it’s far from the first time I’ve kicked ass up and down enemy territory, but it is the first time I’ve seen someone actually go ‘holy crap, good job!’ Even my appearance towards the back of the group doesn’t really dampen the mood. I wonder if people actually are becoming acclimated to me.

Ruby and Coco go to make their report to Goodwitch, while I decide to go over and round off a good day by fucking with Chuckles and his crew. Some of the others give me some funny looks while I walk over, but none of them say anything. 

I adopt an overly cheerful tone while talking. “Hey fellas, what’s up? Yo, Chuckles, how’s the skull? Still sore?” Cardin (forever in my heart as Chucklefuck the Jackass) glared at me. “What do you want?”

I raise my hands in a fake-defensive gesture. “Whoa, there, easy on the hostility! I just wanted to see how you guys were doing. After all, it must have been very exhausting and dangerous work you did today. You know, staring at a hole in the ground, surrounded by soldiers and with a trained Huntress on standby. Truly, this is evidence of great skill.”

For a moment, I wondered whether or not it was a good idea to be antagonizing people who might wind up on the battlefield next to me. Then I realized that, no matter what, I wouldn’t trust these guys to watch my ass in a fight. So, might as well have some fun with the whole situation. It’s not like they’ve never enjoyed themselves at the expense of others, anyway.

Still, though, given the look on their faces, I might have some more immediate concerns to deal with. I’m not even slightly worried, though.

What’re they gonna do, kill me?

Fortunately, before they get the chance to have a tantrum, Ruby arrives to break up our little huddle. “Alright, we’re almost done here, and the transport is on its way. Since the other end of the tunnel is collapsed, the soldiers are going in to...” She hesitates before continuing. “To...retrieve the bodies. For identification and burial.” Ah, jeez. Should’ve known this wouldn’t just go away.

I look at Ruby. “Come on, kid, we need to talk.” Cardin starts making some noise about how ‘I can’t just walk away’ but he stops after I give him the best death glare I can manage through this visor. Come to think of it, this blood-red, slightly luminescent lens might have actually helped the end result. Whatever the reason, Cardin’s protest died on his lips, and I led Ruby out of earshot.

“Alright, spill. What’s up?” I already knew, but getting her to say it might help.

“What do you mean?” She replied, trying to sound nonchalant. It didn’t really work. 

“You know what I mean. And don’t try to tell me you don’t. I’ve got cognitive augments out the ass, I can tell whether or not you’re telling the truth.”

She hesitated a bit. When she started talking, she kept her head down, staring at her shoes. “Those people...back in the tunnel. They were dead. And it was our fault.”

Nanosuit and Soul Magic: A Crysis/RWBY crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now