chapter 8

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>Okay, let's play a game!
>The game is: you ask me a question about anything, and then I ask you a question about anything, and we both have to answer no matter what the question is!
>Tremendous! Since I started the game, you get to go first.
>...That's gonna take a long time to explain. 
>I better get to ask a question that's just as big!

We were on the rooftop still. Blake, Weiss, and Yang had come charging out of the stairwell right after the hitman had exited stage left.

When I mentioned his mask and feathers, they didn’t seem surprised. See, apparently this Faunus terrorist cell/former civil rights group had declared war on Snow White’s entire family. Plus, they had been especially active in these parts, recently.

You know, I kinda would’ve appreciated a fucking heads up about that. Wouldn’t even have been difficult. Just ‘Oh, by the way, before we go out I just want you to know that I have a massive target on my back’.

I’m not pissed about getting roped into the whole affair, far from it. This little spot of excitement is practically nothing, considering what I’m used to. The thing I am pissed about is that, if I’d been on my guard, it wouldn’t have been such a close run deal. The little cut she got’s already faded, courtesy of Soul Magic, but a millimeter back and the bullet would have shattered her nose. An inch back and it would’ve killed her.

If I’d know this sort of shit could happen, I would’ve been a bit quicker, might even have stopped him from getting a shot off.

Of course, it’s kinda my fault, too. After all, I had my guard down in an area that wasn’t secure. I mean, Jesus, I should’ve know something like this would happen!

Well, not next time. These girls have helped me out. The least I can do is watch their backs. Next guy to try and take one of ‘em out?

I’m not going to be nearly as gentle with the whole “taking prisoners” thing.


So, we’re back on street level. I’m keeping an eye out, Gauss up, scanning on thermal, acoustic, and high-rez visual to make sure nobody else gets any ideas. The approaching sirens are mucking with the acoustic feed a bit, even though they’re still a few minutes away.

An expensive looking black armored car swerves around the corner, driving way too fast to be safe. I almost put four rounds through its tinted windshield, until I notice the Schnee company insignia it has emblazoned on the hood.

Real good at blending in, aren’t they?

It pulls to a stop nearby, and a bunch of guys in some kind of combat armor pile out, weapons raised and scanning for targets. A few of them visibly freeze when they see me, fingers tightening on triggers. They still don’t shoot me, though, probably because I’m standing with the heiress and her friends.

The last one out is a man in a suit and tie, wearing shades and with some kinda communicator in his ear. He’s probably supposed to look cool and professional, but to me he just looks like someone who chose their outfit after watching too much of The Matrix.

He wastes absolutely no time, ignoring the other girls, barely even sparing me a glance, before he goes over to Weiss.

“Miss Schnee, we need to get you to a secure location. There could be another assassin nearby-”

I cut him off. “I’ve been scanning for any accomplices since the first incident. The only people around are some terrified office workers.”

Agent Smith just ignores me. “Please, get into the car, and we can drive you to any one of a number of pre-approved safehouses, including-”

Nanosuit and Soul Magic: A Crysis/RWBY crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now