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Interlude/canon omake: The Tunnel.

Bruin opened his eyes, then immediately winced in pain. The last thing he remembered before blacking out was an attack by a small group of intruders. The gunfire and explosions in the distance meant that the fight wasn’t over yet, but all he could do so far was to clutch his head.

The voice of their ‘boss’, Torchwick, rang out over the alert system. “Get to your places, we are leaving now!”

What!? No, no, no, that train was the only way out of the caverns! He was not going to die here! 

Bruin staggered to his feet, stumbling out of the decrepit alleyway he’d fallen into, only to see the last train car vanish into the tunnel, the intruders leaping on just as it began to gain speed.

He sagged back to the ground. That’s it, then. In around five minutes, the bombs would go off and let the Grimm into the tunnels. It might take them a while to make it back here, but the only way to the surface led through that train tunnel. Every other tunnel they’d explored had been sealed, either intentionally by the last residents of Mountain Glenn, or through the years of neglect.

An idea struck him. Every tunnel they’d explored had been sealed... but they hadn’t explored every tunnel.

Bruin shivered just thinking about it. One tunnel, in the back of the cavern, that seemed to constantly have a cold draft blowing from it’s depths. They’d never got around to exploring it, because nobody wanted to get near it. It might head back to the surface, at some point.

For a heartbeat, Bruin considered just taking his chances with the Grimm. 

He gritted his teeth. He wasn’t dead yet, dammit! And he was not going to give up so easily!


Over the next five minutes, Bruin scavenged as much as he could from their now-abandoned base. He’d managed to find a backpack, into which had gone a few MREs, a couple of water bottles, and as much ammo as he could carry. No telling where the tunnel would come out, and he may have to fight his way to safety.

He was mostly recovered now, except for the fact that he still had a splitting headache and deep bruises. He could walk and run, though, which hopefully all that he would need to do.

The sound of an explosion echoed out of the train tunnel, the first of the train cars going off. Despite himself, Bruin grimaced. He believed in the Cause, of course, but this latest course of action was a little...brutal. There were some lines that you just shouldn’t cross, and releasing Grimm into a civilian population was one of those. If he survived this...

“No, when I survive!” Bruin growled out loud. He wouldn’t die here! No, he was going to go through the caves, make it out, fight his way back to the nearest base, and then, valuable contributor or no, he would have words with Torchwick for leaving him behind.

Bruin turned and jogged towards the back of the cavern. Most of the Grimm would probably follow the train, but in his current condition it would only take one or two to finish him off.

The tunnel entrance loomed in front of him. It wasn’t too large, maybe big enough for two or three people to walk through side-by-side. Still, its sheer presence outstripped its size, like the gaping maw of the earth, ready to swallow him whole.

Bruin squared his shoulders, gritted his teeth, and stepped forward. The tunnel got dark very quickly, so he switched on the flashlight attached to his rifle. The tunnel sloped gently downwards, but Bruin didn’t let that bother him. It was his only chance, and it had to come out somewhere, right?

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