bonus 9

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This is not written by the same person as the rest of the story but I found it on the forms and I think it is good

I must have been running a systems check in the library with false Prophet when all of a sudden, the RWBY girls come crashing in. If there was supposed to be some NO TALKING IN THE LIBRARY rule, the girls had just pulverized it. They were all talking over each other, and I couldn't hear a damn thing. I had to take control.


The suit speakers worked their charm. My best guess was that CryNet installed them in the off-chance that one of their clients needed an N2 to break up water-riots or civil disturbances (aka: 'we don't like mercenaries in our neighborhoods' protests).

The girls are no longer speaking, but their faces say it all. It didn't take Nanosuit 2's advanced interrogation modules to know that they were upset. Well, at least I hope they're not upset at me.

"What's the matter?" It might've been a little too on the nose, but I knew that if they were upset with something I did, it was best to put it to rest. I already had too many secrets in my bones to have my best friends pissed off at me. Ruby spoke up first:

"We...we saw some of SECOND's...I mean your memories."


"We know about what you saw."


Blake added on her comments: "We know about the Ceph, CELL..."

Weiss added on her own observations: "Hargreave, Lockhart..."

Yang rubbed in the salt: "We also saw how you lost your best friends and comrades."

Well, rest in peace Folsom and Leavenworth and Parchman and Torres. At least somebody knew of your sacrifices.

But no, this was Ruby's interrogation, and she was really tearing into me. "We saw what you did. I know that you fought those squid monsters, but you also fought your own people." Sure enough, she had a scroll, and it showed me fighting the psycho mall cops outside Battery Park. I remembered it. The feeling of finding Parchman's corpse. The scene of CELL massacring the infected. I felt like a G6 when I mowed down every single CELL uniform that made the mistake of fucking with me with just not enough firepower. Shit, I probably wouldn't have needed the suit to tell me to kill every single CELL motherfucker that Lockhart pushed my way. Of course, the Suit knows that feeling too, and fucks with that button to push me on. But how do I explain it to the team? How do I explain it Ruby? Shit, when it comes down to it, could I even explain explain myself to Alice? 

"Can I see the scroll?" Ruby looks apprehensive. She's probably nervous that I would squash it like a bug, delete all the evidence. Shit, if I was false Prophet, I'd wipe it clean. But no, this was my show and my choice, and false Prophet would need to eat what was left of my dick to overrule me. I gently take the scroll and rewinded to when I found Parchman.

Parchman and I may not have been bros for life like I was with Chino, but he was still a Marine who had my six like I had his. I served alongside him through Texas and Sri Lanka and the squid gunship blowing our sub in half, only for him to get tortured and killed by the very backbones we swore to defend. It made me mad. It made me willing to kill every single CELL wage slave that I found. When it came down to it, I had let false Prophet take what was left of my corpse to fuck up the magic rainbow.

But the suit...

I didn't have anything to say, but the brutalized body of Parchman did. The burn marks from the cigarettes. The angry red marks from the jumper cables CELL maniacs jammed into him. The hole in his forehead.

I fast-forward to when I exited Battery Park. There it was; CELL troops gunning down infected.

Ruby was sullen. "Did you have to kill all of them?" Blake was the first to caution her. "Ruby, you saw what CELL did. They were supposed to be on the same side, but they didn't care." I took over from there.

"I'm..not proud." Bullshit, they could flay the Suit from my skin and rip out all of false Prophet's manipulations and biochemistry from my dying brain-stem, but the sad truth was I was proud to mow down roided up Xie Security. "but CELL was on nobody's side." If there was an option for me to take a deep inhale, I would've used it.

"My country..scratch that, my planet went to shit, and all of a sudden, CELL jumps in and claims that 'Hey, you know all those cops and soldiers and civil servants? Well, we can do their jobs for half the price, and funnel those discounts back to you' And my lawmakers, like the spineless rats they were, took them up on it. They ordered entire police departments disbanded so they could be replaced with jacked up mall cops whose biggest goals in life were to jam a pistol down a civvie's throat and pull the trigger. They were drafting a law to replace the entire military with CELL." I paused. "And when it came down it, CELL did jack shit. They didn't solve a damn thing except put more people in body bags. I was there. There were infected, but there were people wiling to help them. There were Red Cross and military police who tried to help the infected even as the spores jacked up their brain chemistry so they could be happily taken by the squids. But CELL, they didn't care, they weren't saving hearts and minds or protecting and serving. They were elated that all of these civvies were coming to them; it made it easier to live out their edgy stormtrooper fantasies.

And also; they were gunning for me. There were aliens who were going to melt us into goo, and CELL, being the retarded mercenaries they were, were more than happy to shit-can our only hope of saving the planet."

Well, they were gunning for Prophet, the real one. After all, Prophet was the one who fucked up half of the magic rainbow, but was happy to give my body and soul to false Prophet to fuck up the other half. And lots of walking calamari.

"I'm not proud..." Bullshit again. "But if I had the chance to fuck up CELL even without the suit, I would've taken it. It was self-defense. It was justice.." And it also felt really fucking good. "And I saved a lot of people." You're no savior; you're a brain-stem hopped up on alien AI PCP, but fuck it.

If Ruby was relieved from me coming clean, she didn't show it. Shit, it'd probably made things worse. Did I come off as a haditha baby-killer? "You mean when you rescued us from the White Fang..." "Same thing. The White Fang were not on your side. I had to mow them down to save you. It was the mission...

And I don't regret a single thing."

That last part was true, cross my brain-stem.

Nanosuit and Soul Magic: A Crysis/RWBY crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now