chapter 22

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>Hey, sorry about not really being able to help with that Dust problem you were working on. I’ve just never really had any experience in that field. You probably learned just as much from the library as you did from me.
:Information was exchanged. Limited utility warrants limited reciprocation.
>Wait, I still get to ask a question?
:Limited reciprocation. No tactical/strategic data.
>Oh, that’s fine. I was just wondering...what’s your world like?
:Clarification needed.
>You know, the people. The culture. What is it like over there?
:Sending data.
>Thank you!
>Huh, this is a bit...
>...Oh. That’s awful.


Four hours later, Ozpin showed up to talk to the girls. I was kinda tempted, but I didn’t listen in on their conversation. After around fifteen minutes, all five of them left the dorm.

Now, I’m faced with yet another minor dilemma. I could continue to shadow them, or I could leave them in the capable hands of Ozzie the Fuckless. Normally, that wouldn’t even be a question, but I still need to find someone to blow up a Dust crystal in my face.


I’ll compromise. Keep them on my sensors, and don’t get locked into anything that might delay a response. Now, I just need to find one of those wizard kids.

Combat wizards. Despite how much the whole ‘Soul Magic’ thing bugs me... wizards would’ve been very fucking useful in New York. Or Sri Lanka. Or Israel, or Palestine, Columbia, Texas...

Man, Earth is fucked up. Here on Remnant, they’ve got an external, relentless enemy that’s united them for the sake of survival. Back on Earth, even with the Ceph, us stupid fucking humans just kept clawing at each others’ throats, hoping to be the last corpse on the pile.

Maybe we’ll get better. Maybe.

Right, yeah, wiz-kid. I guess any student will work, but I’d rather get one of the ones more experienced with Dust. My first pick would’ve been Weiss, but she’s a bit busy right now.

Huh. Shit, I don’t know anyone else here. Hell, I wouldn’t even know RWBY if their leader wasn’t such an irrepressibly friendly person who refused to let the creepy dimensional outcast peacefully mope in the library. Man, her parents must never have given her the “don’t talk to strangers” speech.

Oh wait, there is someone else I...well, we’re not exactly friends. Or acquaintances. In fact, saying that I know Velvet might be a bit of an overstatement. Still, by my count, she owes me one, and that’s good enough. Plus, we’ve both run the same op, which should count for something.

I scoot forward, fall off the roof, and land on the little walkway that runs around the dorm hard enough to crack the paving stones.


Okay, scanning for Velvet’s biometrics. I’m not trying to scan through several floors of rock, dirt, and metal, so I have a lot more range than I did back in the terrorist’s little underground lair.

Ah, there she is. Looks like she’s...taking a walk? Well, she’s outside and moving slowly, so it’s probably something like that.

I also check for the girls. They are...heading towards Ozpin’s lofty domain. That tower would be a great sniper nest, come to think of it. Anyway, they’re still good.

I make my way over to Velvet’s location. Takes me a minute, but she’s actually closer to Ozzie’s tower than the dorm is.

She jumps a little when she sees me. Thank you Nanosuit 2.0, making me look like a goddamn flayed cyborg.

Nanosuit and Soul Magic: A Crysis/RWBY crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now