chapter 29

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Patch is nice.

It’s not as built-up as Vale is. Most buildings don’t go higher than two stories, and a lot of them are made of wood instead of concrete. 

Taiyang leads the way, setting a brisk pace through town. “We should hurry if we’re going to get there and back before nightfall.”

“Hey, uh, guys? Do you mind quitting the whole pronoun game thing and telling me just where we’re going?”

Ruby’s voice comes from slightly behind me. “We’re visiting my mom, at her...resting place.”

I almost trip over my own feet.

“Oh, I- I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, it happened when I was a little girl. I try to visit her when I can, just to talk. She...always loved hearing about how my day went whenever she had to go anywhere, so it just sort of became a tradition.”

And we are firmly in the ‘dead moms’ category of ‘shit Alcatraz has no idea how to respond to.’ Like, what am I gonna say? ‘Wow, moms are great aren’t they? Except when they go crazy and you need to get them institutionalized before they kill someone you care about!’

Yeah, I’m gonna...not do that. “Well then, I’ll just make sure you get the chance, alright?”

In the corner of my vision, I see Ruby smile. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”


Our walk through the city is uneventful, up until we run into a commotion outside one of the shops lining Vale’s central street. Some middle-aged guy wearing a uniform is arguing with a faunus couple.

“For the last time, get out of here! I don’t serve you anymore.”

“But this is the only electronics store for miles, and I need these parts!” One of the faunus begs. She’s got dog ears, which are currently lying flat against the top of her head.

“I don’t give a damn! After that stunt your people pulled, you’re lucky I don’t have you shot, or shoot you myself!”

Taiyang taps me and Ruby on the shoulder, and gestures to a side street. “Let’s go around this, alright?”

Ruby’s still looking at the trio. “But shouldn’t we-”

“Making an even bigger scene won’t help anybody. Come on.”

Ruby turns to follow him, but stays looking at the faunus and the shopkeeper until they’re out of sight.

Not going to lie, I kinda wanted to shoot that guy. Not kill him, mind you, just make him hurt a little. Such rampant dicketry as he displayed is best punished with a swift application of pain, preferably to the genitals.

Plus, I get the feeling that I know exactly what ‘stunt’ he’s talking about, and Ruby might actually have a good chance of talking him out of this. Then again, it might just cause a huge fucking mess.

Maybe Taiyang is right. Best to not get involved when I don’t have to, right? Keep attention away from ourselves.

After that, we don’t run into anything else. There’s a bit of a chill in the air, and not a lot of people are out on the streets.

Huh. I just remembered that it’s autumn. ‘Bout time for kids back on Earth to be going to school. 

…I’ll make it back. Somehow. Eventually.

The town is surrounded by a tall wall, made out of metal and concrete. The guards are friendly, waving us through the gate, but I’m still eyeing those gun emplacements. High-caliber, semi-auto, belt fed. They look like they’re prepped for an assault from a horde of armored vehicles. Or, you know, an assault from a horde of Grimm.

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