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I was in 3rd grade and had just moved to Vancouver. My mom was a Manager of this huge company, so they moved us from New York to Canada. Things were great in this part of my life. I had made a best friend (Cory) and still had my mom with me.

But it's funny how just one incident can change your entire world. Cory always told me "Life's a bitch" when I would cry about my mom.

One night while I was still in the 7th grade my dad decided to take me out for a daddy daughter date, when we came back, we found my mom murdered. Somebody had broken into the house and shot her.
My dad became a full time alcoholic after her death. He did get drunk before all of this happened but it wasn't to serious.

Cory really pulled me out of this depression I was going through around that time. I had started to cut, baby steps at first, then full on gashes. Once he found out he went in my bathroom and threw all my blades away. At first I was mad, now I thank him every day.

He wasn't perfect either. Cory had drug issues. In his freshman year of high school, he started doing injections of heroin.
He almost overdosed by the end of that school year. He was on deaths door when his mom found him and drove him to the hospital where doctors took care of him.

We're now juniors in high school but we still have our problems. I have tried to help him with his addiction, but I know it will take time. Cory's always open to listening to every little thing I have to say, which makes him the only person I trust In my life.

Your probably thinking, what about your dad? Don't you trust him? I honestly don't even think he trusts himself. He should of been helping me through mom's death but instead he sits on the couch and drinks himself to sleep and remains in this awful position of sorrow.

Welcome to my mess of a life.

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