A Walk In The Park

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Throbbing pain emanating from my temple wakes me up from a peaceful yet deep sleep.

My eyes meet the light blue paint on the walls. When I try to move from my position, the bed dips to the left, I'm on a blow up bed. This isn't my room.

I then stare at my clothing. I'm not wearing the gold sequin dress from last night. Instead, I have on unfamiliar pajamas, Brianna's to be exact.

Then I remember.

I remember the party, the fight with Cory, sobbing in a bathroom at the party, and eventually crashing at Brianna's place with little consciousness or balance.

Why did I have to be so hormonal last night?

"I'm surprised you woke up this early, It's 12:30."

I jolt up from Brianna's comment. She's in a tank top and pink fluffy pants with a cup of coffee in her hands.

"Is there enough coffee for me?" I ask while smoothing out my wild bed-head as the coffee aroma fills the air.

"Yep, it's waiting for you in the kitchen, along with some Advil."

This Earth needs more people like Brianna. She's my little hangover fairy.

My body struggles to get out of the inflatable bed as I somehow manage to snatch my phone from a nearby table.

Brianna follows me into the kitchen at my sluggish pace while I try to focus my eyes on all of my missed notifications coming from my phone. The majority of them coming from Cory after 12 am.

Can we talk?

Did you leave with Brianna?

Please answer your phone.

Damn it Lea.

Those were the texts I had received, along with 5 missed calls, all from Cory.
I type a quick text simply stating that I'm okay and that I'll be home soon. There's nothing emotional about it, just like I want it to be. After all, I was still pissed at him and I know that sooner or later, we'll have to really talk about what went down between us last night.

Two bowls of Life cereal later,
Brianna decided to break the ice.

"What are you going to tell him?" She questions.

I release an annoyed sigh. "I don't know."

"Don't act like you don't care when we all know that you do. Nobody cries at their best friend's boyfriend's house for a solid 20 minutes without having a substantial motive." She huffs at me ignorantly.

"I'm still angry as you can see, wouldn't you be? He knew that I should've known about all of the scouts and colleges, yet he blatantly neglected to share this with me."

Before Brianna could respond to my livid rant, I receive a text from the man of the hour.

I'm coming to pick you up in ten minutes.

An exasperated groan leaves my mouth as I go to retrieve my belongings from Brianna's room. I just need a few hours to myself, yet he won't even give me that.

"Thanks for letting me sleepover." I remembered that I was a guest at Brianna's house and I was prancing around while eating her food without a polite bone in my body.

"Any time Lea. Just remember that Cory deserves to be roughed up because your as pissed as a bear coming straight out of hibernation."

I take a few seconds to process what she has said.

Does what she said even make sense?

"I don't even think bears are mad after hibernation, they're probably just...hungry."

"Oh my god Lea, you know what I mean!"

"Yeah, I guess. I'm just really worried about where our conversation will lead to. I'm mad at him but I don't want to lose him."

"It always works out for you two in the end." She replies confidently.

Nodding in agreement, I exit her room and walk to her front door.
The first thing that I spotted was the radiant sun blazing on my still tender and hungover eyes.
The sound of a car door opening draws my eyes to what is about 15 feet ahead of me.

"Lea, are you okay? Are you hungover? What happened to your clothes?" His voice has a worried edge to it.

Good. Let him worry, in the mean time, he gets the silent treatment.

I smoothly pass by him and open the passenger car door and crawl in. He enters the car and shuts his door shut. The loud noise makes me shudder and suddenly, I feel nauseas.

"I know your mad but can you please tell me that your okay?"
He presses.


He rolls his eyes and pulls out of Brianna's driveway and onto the road.

After a few silent minutes in the car, I notice that we aren't heading in the direction of his house.

"Where are we going?" I ask quietly, barely above a whisper.

"Somewhere we can talk."

"I don't want to talk just yet."

He ignores my last comment and continues to drive with a stern look plastered on his face, his eyes never leaving the road.

My nausea soon fades away.

Shortly after, we pull into a Park with a playground.

"A playground? That's where you want to talk?"

"There's a walking trail that leads into a forest. You'll probably focus more there then on a swing."

We make our way to the trail and I go to lace our hands together when I stop myself.

Talk to him first.

"For starters, I'm sorry for not telling you about all of the college offers. I guess I was overwhelmed and surprised that I had any college offers to begin with and I thought that if I told you, you would be mad because I'm actually considering these colleges."

He's actually considering these schools, where does that leave us?

"But I care about our future more." He answers my unspoken question.

"I'm not going to Stanford. I'm going to stay with you right here in Canada and we'll both apply for UBC." He takes my hands in his and gently squeezes them.

"I feel like I'm making you throw away the biggest opportunity in your life." I mutter with a light coating of tears staining my eyes.

"That's where your wrong, your the biggest opportunity of my life and I'm taking it. I love you so much and I always will."

"I'm not compromising and I have to because your giving everything up for a mediocre life with me when you could be at Stanford playing football and getting a great college experience. I'm holding you back, Cory."

He stares at me with raw emotion etched all over his masculine features. His hands cup my small face and he kisses me with an invasion of unspoken feelings.

Good feelings that make my stomach ache with butterflies.

"Love breaks all barriers, we'll grow together."



Sorry for such an awfully long time for me to update this. I've moved houses and holidays have hit me like a brick wall so I've been slightly busy.
Writers block has been another issue for me but I think I might be past that!

Song: Grow - Rae Morris
(Obsessed with this song)

Preview: Time flies when your in high school! Especially when your preparing for one of the best nights of your life!

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