Lions vs. Mustangs

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Lea's POV

I'm staring down intently at a crumpled photograph from my wallet. A picture that I hadn't looked at in years, I actually forgot that it was even there.

My mother looked so happy and peaceful, something my dad was not after her death.

She's smiling along with me while my dad's arm is laced around her shoulders.

I remember this day so perfectly. It was back when I was 7 and we were at Six Flags.
My mom had made a big deal about getting a family picture while we were there, something that my dad wasn't to thrilled about.

Nonetheless, my dad plastered on his smile while mom and I wore the goofiest grins.

My thoughts are interrupted by the ding of the doorbell.

I stumble down the stairs when I remember that I have to be at Cory's first football game of the season in less than an hour, and I look like I just came from hell.

Hesitantly, I open the front door to see the last face that I'd expected to see.


She hadn't talked to me since I told her about the engagement. I understand that we're young but she needs to accept the fact that it's inevitable and we're going to get married.

"What are you doing here?" My voice is hoarse and barely audible.

She doesn't speak, I watch as she takes a few steps towards me and engulfs me in her arms.

"I'm so so sorry, Lea." She sobs.

I regain my balance and pat my hand on her back.
"It's okay."

It's such a simple thing to say but it feels right.

"I felt so guilty! I basically told you that Cory will ruin your life! It took me so long to get this through my thick skull, but I will support you 100 percent no matter what."

Tears are steaming down my warm cheeks, I missed her so much.

"I'm so glad your back." I say while wiping my tears away.

She steps back and eyes me like I've changed dramatically. It's only been a little over a week since we've talked for crying out loud.

Finally a smile erupts on her face.
"Cory is a really lucky guy. I'm so happy for you, even after all the awful things I told you last week."

"It's okay, Brianna. Your still my best friend and you always will be."

She hugs me once more before I invite her in.
"I was just about to start getting ready for the football game, wanna come with?"

She doesn't hesitate before nodding her head.
Me and Brianna make our way through our school's football stadium where we find decent seats that overlook the football field.

"Is Cory a starter?" Brianna questions.

"Yeah, he had to work his ass off for that starting quarterback position." I mumble.

"My friend Liam told me that tryouts were gruesome." She states while watching the opposing team do warm ups.

"Gruesome is an understatement. Cory has been taking ice baths ever since tryouts started. Guess you could say that these coaches are pretty hardcore."

Brianna seems a little distracted while staring down at the field.

"Do you see...Liam?" She's asks skeptically.

"No, not at the moment. Why?"

Her cheeks flare a certain shade of red.

Does she have a crush on Liam? She told me that she hasn't been with any other guy since her boyfriend died.

"Just wondering..." She says, still scouring the football field.

"Why are you being so vague? If you like him, you should ask him to hang out." I tell her quite boldly.

It's obvious that she's stunned by how straight forward I was, but if she likes him, she should be with him.
Brianna is such a good person with a hard past, that's why she deserves to be happy.

"I don't know, it's been so long since I've dated anyone. Plus, I don't even know if he likes me."

"I'll be the one to figure that out!"

Not long after the other team starts warmups, our team, the Nolan Lions take the field for their warmups.

I spot Cory and Liam chatting on the field while doing knee pulls.

"Look! There's Liam!" I shout at Brianna.

She gazes down to where my eyes are darted at.

"He looks really, really good in football pads."

Cory looks up at me and sends a kiss my way. I blush at his cute offer of affection.
Liam looks up to where Cory is gesturing to, his eyes fall on Brianna.

He offers her a soft wave.

Brianna gladly waves back.

"He likes you." I whisper in her ear.
She can't help herself but to roll her eyes.

Soon, the game begins, Nolan's ball. The other team is from a school about 25 minutes away from here.

"What's the team's name?" Brianna asks while obviously staring at Liam.

"Something Mustangs." I reply.

"Actually, the Weston Mustangs." A male voice responds.
I turn my head to see an unfamiliar face.

He's quite tall and has copper colored hair. His build makes me think that he's a football player but he would be on the field if that was the case.

"Oh, thanks." I mutter.

He takes a seat on my left side, making me uncomfortable.

"My names Jared, do you go to Nolan High School?"

"Yes, I'm guessing you go to Weston High School?"

"Yep, and we are going to whoop some Lion ass." He says with a cocky smile.

Brianna who is to my right, tries to hold in her laugh.

"What's your name?" Jared asks.

"My name is Lea. My fiancé is the starting quarterback for Nolan." I say casually.

His head jerked back when I said fiancé.

"F-fiancé?" He chokes out.

I hold up my left hand and point to my ring. "I'm engaged! Now if you don't mind, I'm going to watch what I came here for." I turn my attention back to the field just in time to see Cory throw the football to Liam for the 1st down.

"Nice throw, Lions!" I yell to nobody in particular.

Not long after, Jared has left.

I wonder why.

It was a blowout game, 42-3. Everybody from Nolan High School was on the field jumping on the players, screaming and congratulating them. Including Brianna and me.

I easily spot Cory and jump into his arms for a hard kiss. He responds by kissing back while his hands roam my backside. Somehow in the process, my legs snake around his waist and squeeze tightly.

"Great game, babe!" I shout into his ear.

"I'm glad you could make it!" He shouts back while placing a wet and sweaty kiss on my forehead.

I untangle myself from him and place my feet back on the ground. When I turn around, my jaw drops to the floor.

Brianna and Liam are together. When I mean together, I mean lip locking, tongues flying and hands gripping to the waist together.

This was easily the best football game that I've ever been to.

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