I Wish

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Lea's POV

"Are you going to tell me where your taking me?" My eyes shift to Cory who was focused on the road.

"It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you what it was." His right hand traces along my palm while the other has a steady hold on the steering wheel.

My phone started to buzz from my pocket. Another text from my dad, he had been texting and calling me all week.

In all honesty, I wasn't ready to deal with him and I'm not really sure if I ever will be.

I quietly slide my phone back into my pocket, hoping Cory didn't notice.

"Was that your dad?"

Damn his amazing eyesight.

"Yeah." I muttered.

"Are you ever going to call or text him back?"

"When I'm ready. I need time, he just needs to realize that."

He sighs. "I don't really blame you. I'd probably be doing the same as you if I was in your shoes."

The rest of the ride was silent. We drove farther into uncharted territory, what was he up to?

We pull up into a large dirt patch next to a vibrant and green forest.

"We're in the middle of nowhere." I informed him.

"Exactly." He heads to the trunk of the car and pulls out a large cotton blanket.

"Is this the part where you kill me?" I joke while interlocking my fingers with his.

"How did you figure out my master plan?"

"I read you like a book."

He pulls me into the forest with just enough light left in the day to see where we were going.

Eventually, we make are way out to a large flat space of grass with little white flowers sprouting in various areas.

I was so distracted by the flowers, I didn't even realize the real reason on why Cory took me here.

The sun was setting behind a distant mountain, and we had a front row seat.

Cory lays out the blanket, I sit crisscrossed on it, memorized by the sun.

"I came here a lot when I was 7, I just kinda remembered it and thought that you might like it."

"I love it."

His arm wraps around my shoulder as we lay flat out on the blanket and try to soak up every detail that the sun had to offer us.

After the sun went down, the stars came out.

I had been staring at a large star right above the same mountain that the sun was setting behind.

"Stars make everything seem small." I say while tracing a constellation.

"Yeah, it kinda makes you feel like you don't have any problems." He whispers so low, as if he's going to wake someone up.

I rest my head on his chest and continue looking at the same star. The shimmering little ball was radiating like nothing that I'd ever seen before.

"Ready to go home?" He asks sweetly.


We had been here at least 2 hours.

He slowly stands up and offers me a hand to pull me up.

We pack up the blanket and walk back to the car hand in hand.

"That was a perfect way to start off the summer." I say happily.

"I'm glad you liked it." He flashes me his amazing smile.

Once we got home, I checked my phone and saw a lone message from my dad that lit up the screen.

I love you sweetie.

I love you to, dad. But I didn't bother to text him that.


A couple weeks into the summer, I was hanging out with Brianna at her house.

"Are you gonna go anywhere over the summer?" I asked while tossing a foam basketball into the air.

"Nope, just staying here to enjoy the amazing Canadian summer experience."

"Well that's nice." I joked.

"What about you?"

"Cory wants to take me to the states but to be honest, I want a really calm and home based summer."

"I get what you mean."

I pulled out my phone to see I was getting a incoming call from a number I didn't recognize.


"Is this Lea Michele?" A male voice asked.

"Yes and who is this?"

"My name is officer Coleman and I hate to inform you this but..."

There was a long pause.

"But what?"

"I hate to inform you this, but your father has commuted suicide."

I wish I had told my dad that I loved him.

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