I love you...I think

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After school, I go to Cory's hockey practice. He plays club hockey so he's always practicing. He tells me to just go home and wait for him to finish up, but my dad will be there.

He gets really scary when he drinks, so I try to steer clear. Both me and Cory's parents work night jobs so we always just sleep over at each others houses.

"Hey!" I look up from my homework and see a sweaty Cory. "Ready to go?" He asks. I nod and put my work away to drive home with him.

While we're walking to his car, I hear one of Cory's teammates yell:

"Look who's got himself a girlfriend!!"

I roll my eyes at his comment. "Can you believe them?"

His body kinda tightens up when I said that. "Ya...there just stupid." He says glumly.

My dad leaves for work around 4:30, so that's the time we always show up at the house. When we get to my house, I tell him to pick a movie and put it in. He picks some weird zombie movie. Guys are just so classy.

While watching the movie, I can't help but drift off into sleep. I feel Cory poke my side, which wakes me up, but I don't open up my eyes.


I'm to tired to talk so I don't respond.

"I uhm...just really wanted to tell you...I love you. Not in a friend way, I really love you."

What? Did he just say he loved me?! I hear a sigh come from him. A relief sigh, like he's been wanting to say it for a while.

After a long time of thinking, I finally go to sleep for the night.

I wake up on the couch, but Cory isn't there. I look around and don't see him. I get up and walk to the kitchen to find Cory eating a bowl of cereal.

"Good morning." He says.

"Cory?" I stare him in the eye.


"I heard what you said last night, that you loved me."

He freezes from eating his cereal. Oh god, I shouldn't of brought this up, now things are just gonna be awkward.

"Yeah, I won't deny it, cause I meant it."

"Cory-" before I can finish my sentence, he kisses me right on the lips. I kiss back because I liked it. Then, he starts to grab my waist, but I pull back.

I can sorta tell that he feels bad.

"I'm sorry." He grabs his stuff and leaves my house.

I feel lost in my thoughts, did I love him back? That's probably why he felt uncomfortable when those guys were talking about me being his girlfriend.

He actually wanted me to be his girlfriend.

Did I want him to be my boyfriend?

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