devil signs and lollipop lips, purple suckers in their wet mouths as she split her lemons in quarters and spilled gold coins in the shower, then eureka! she found me in the gutter where my mother had left me and forgotten she had a daughter.toxic cameras clicking, flashing your red lit orbs to a different dimension,
clickshe borrowed her mother's eyes and gave her kindness in return. i love that she knows she's beautiful. but when nectar bleeds from her nose, that's when you know she's a bumble bee with her abstruse glimmers blindingly glancing right through me.
grass boy twirling the world in his curious
hands. bruised eye entering the room as everyone peeked like wolves on a wednesday fair. "wash it with soap," ludicrous advice. it won't help.she blew light-bulb kisses to everyone in line and i knew she was unraveling herself, fathomed of how similar the stars and her are. both enjoyed playing with fire for fun.
collarbone tensing when she's focused. she's staring at me, maybe she's dazzled in the fact that i admire her more than the sun. if only she knew she was the one i was writing about. her head turned, earth's melting. she held a breath, gravity's decreasing. she's a bluestocking heartbreaker. her nails create the watercolor paints of the depths of the cryptic sea and her stomach lays beneath me. i hope she doesn't feel the butterflies flapping lightly against her.
you're the type of girl to bottle up lava when volcanoes erupt. the type who talks to the most shyest person like you've known them for years. the type who listens to fiasco music in their pajamas with their hair tied up in her bedroom like me. my fingertips are grasping the acacia wood steps of the bridge. autumn's coming, and i think i'm falling.