Cheater | E.D.

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WORD COUNT | 1.4k+

     "Babe, I really have to go." You giggle, while Ethan peppered kisses to your neck, doing his best to keep you in the car with him. You wished nothing more than to be able to just spend every waking second with Ethan. But your boyfriend and parents would flip. 

     I know what you're thinking....she has a boyfriend, yet she's got Ethan on her neck? You were in fact in a relationship with both Ethan and Adam. The only difference was the fact that you were in love with Ethan. The only reason you were in a relationship with Adam was because your parents were forcing you to be with him. All you wanted to do was make them happy since you were their only daughter and always strived to make them proud.

     You had dated Ethan when he first moved to LA at 15, and your parents were quick to put an end to that.  That's when they brought Adam into your life. He was sweet, kind of geeky and knew exactly what he had planned for the future. Basically, your parents dream husband for you. But you were always drawn back to the tall goofy YouTuber. You lived with Adam, but you spent every free second with the true love of your life. The secret had gone smoothly for over a year now, and you were more than tired of it being a secret.

     He sighed and sat back in his seat. He understood why you had to keep your relationship in the shadows, but he hated knowing you slept next to Adam each and every night instead of him. 

     Before getting out of his car, you gave him a sweet goodnight kiss and rushed into your apartment before Adam returned home. You knew he'd be able to smell Ethan's scent on your clothes so you threw them in the washer and washed the smell of him from your body in the shower. You wished you could just stay curled up in his aroma and never have to hide it, but that's not how your life went. Everything was a secret.

     When you got out of the shower you saw that Adam was home and sitting on his side of your shared bed. His head snapped up to look at you when you entered the room. "How was work?" You ask as if you didn't spend the whole day lip-locked with another guy.

     "It was good. But I'm glad to be back home with you." he says sweetly, making your stomach cringe. He was such a nice guy and deserved so much better than what he had gotten. If you'd never met Ethan, you probably would have fallen for Adam. But that wasn't the case. "How about a nice dinner out tomorrow?" He asks out of the blue while you were brushing your teeth. You guys never really did anything.

     "Sounds like fun, let's do it." You say, rinsing your mouth. Every cell in your body was saying to not go, but you knew if you had said no it would have been suspicious and you couldn't risk losing Ethan. 

     That night, you fell asleep back - to - back with Adam, but dreamt of your future with a boy who too dramatic for his own good. But what was new?

     The next morning, you woke up to an empty bed as usual, since Adam was always busy with work or school. That's usually around the time you would get dressed and drive to Ethan's, but today he was out and about with James, Grayson, and Emma so you were alone.

     You spent the day organizing the bathroom cabinets, doing load after load of laundry, catching up on your reading and stressing yourself out over a dinner that hadn't even happened yet. Adam had been acting very weird last night and you just knew it was because he found out about Ethan. But you were too scared to ask, just in case.

     You had gotten dressed in a nice pink blouse, white jeans, and curled your hair after Adam had texted you and said to be ready. He walked in and smiled at you, but not a regular smile. A sheepish smile, nervous. "Everything okay?" You ask, trying not to be nervous yourself. He didn't speak, but nodded and led you to the car.

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