Restless | G.D.

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WORD COUNT | 1.2k+

     You had spent the entire day with your boyfriend of six months, Grayson. But like all good days, it had to come to an end at some point. You finally managed to escape his embrace on the couch so you could leave, but every idea of driving home safely was crushed when you opened the front door and saw that it was pouring rain. "Nope. No. Not going to happen." Grayson says, pulling you back into the house and closing the door. "You're not driving on wet roads."

     "Gray, I have to get home. It's late, plus I'm sure it's not bad." You insist, reaching again for the doorknob, but being pulled away once again. The truth was, you were terrified of driving in the rain, hell driving on a sunny day in LA made you nervous. But you were even more scared to have to spend the night under the same roof as him. 

     "You'rs staying here tonight. I don't care if I have to sleep on the couch, but you're staying where I know you'll be safe." He says, turning you around and kissing the top of your head. It was so easy to melt into his touch, but it wasn't so easy to agree. 

     "I'm not going to put you out like that, I'll just wait until it stops raining." You suggest but your idea got rejected. Shit.

     "What's the big deal? Are you scared of sleeping here? You nap here all the time. It'll just be like napping, except it's overnight." He explains, playing with your hands and smiling down at you. You bit your lip, fighting the idea, but eventually gave up. You'd rather live and stay the night here than try to drive home with the possibility of a car accident.

     "Fine." You say, giving in and nodding. Grayson was all smiles after that.

     "Perfect! Come with me and I'll get you some clothes to sleep in." He says, gently grabbing your hand and leading you to his bedroom. You wanted to protest, but even you knew there was no way you were sleeping in jeans all night. You sat on the corner of his bed waiting for him to find something in his dresser that would fit you. 

     "Uhm, maybe these." He says tossing a pair of sweatpants on the bed next to you and then a random green t-shirt. You thanked him and grabbed the clothes, so you could go change in the bathroom. But he stopped you, "You can change in here. You have my bed tonight anyway, so you might as well." He says, grabbing his own pajamas and stepping out of the room, closing the door behind him. You sighed, and changed into the outfit, having to roll the waist of the pants so they fit but hung loosely on your hips. 

     You went into the living room and saw him laying on the couch in nothing but a pair of navy blue sleeping pants. He had a quilt layed over his middle and was scrolling through his phone. "I just wanted to say goodnight." You whisper as if he was already asleep. He smiled at your sheepish attitude and stood up.

     "You look so cute in my clothes." He says, spinning you around. "Goodnight beautiful and sleep good tonight." then gave you a sweet goodnight kiss like he usually did before you'd leave to go home. You smiled and told him the same before awkwardly making your way back to his room a few feet away. 

     You sat up straight in his bed for an hour or so listening to the pitter patter of rain hit the roof of the house and the snores echoing from both the living room and Ethan's room across the hallway. You were the only one awake, and why was that? Because you felt like you were taking his bed from him. Even though the thought of sleeping on the uncomfortable couch all night made you cringe, you wouldn't be able to sleep tonight if you made him do it. 

     For the second time tonight you got out of the warm bed and walked into the living room. He was fast asleep with his back facing you. You knelt behind him and shook his shoulder trying to wake him up. "Gray. Babe, get up." You whisper in his ear. A few shakes later he made a grunting noise and rolled on his back, his eyes meeting your own.

     "What's wrong?" He asks, yawning and cuddling the couch pillow he was using. 

     "Come on." You say, holding both your hands out to him. He scrunched his brows together, but took your hands and tiredly followed you to his room.

     "Is there a spider or something?" He asks, looking around the dark room. You laughed quietly and shook your head. 

     "No spiders. I just can't sleep knowing you put yourself out on the couch. That can't be comfortable." You explain.

     "It's not that bad."

     "Just, sleep in here, okay?"

     "Are you staying?" He asks and your heart freezes. You had planned on switching and sleeping on the couch. You shook your head as a no. "Then, I guess I'm back on the couch."

     "No, Gray. Fine, yes I'm staying." You say, grabbing his arm before he could exit the room. He let out a chuckle and climbed into his bed, making grabby hands towards you. You hesitated but joined him. He pulled the blanket back some for you to slide under. 

     He could tell you were nervous to sleep beside him so he didn't sleep too close. There was a fair distance between the both of you, backs facing one another. Finally, you could get some sleep tonight.

     You groaned, waking up to the sun shining directly in your face. At first glance across the room, you'd forgotten you hadn't gone home. You relaxed and tried to get up, but the second you moved you felt a weight over your waist. Grayson's arm. At some point during the night, he had flipped back over and embraced your small figure. To your surprise you kind of liked it, actually, you didn't want to move out of that spot.

     "Oh, sorry." He whispers in a groggy morning voice and moves his arm away. You found yourself pouting at the sudden freedom and rolled to where you could face him. His eyes were barely open, his curly hair pushed in every other direction and small curve to his lips where he smiled at you. "What?" He asks just as quietly. You didn't say a word, just grabbed his arm and placed it back where it had been. He smiled, showing his teeth slightly and tightened his grip. 

     "I think I'm going to have to stay one more night." You say, wanting to get used to the feeling of laying next to Grayson in a sleepy daze. 

     "It's not raining anymore though." He points out, not loosening his grip for a second. You smiled knowingly, shoosing him and curling into his warm chest. "But I'm not complaining."

     That was the first of many mornings that you woke up next to Grayson, each one being better than the last. You slept better knowing he was so close, and he the same.

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