Sorry for the long wait and sorry for the horrible chapter. I am not a very good writer :(
Chapter 33:
Ash's POV:
So many people believe that Eric is actually doing them good. Do they not know someone was killed because of his invention? Did they not see that? About half of the people in the New York Dome believed him and stayed there. We destroyed all of the blue chemicals before a bunch of people could drink it. Thanks to us they are still alive. They still believe that sickening guy?! What is wrong with them? The other sane people in the Dome came with us. We are ones who are going to go stop the Florida/Miami Dome from drinking the blue chemicals. All of us surprisingly fit onto one train. The first three box cars are full of the liquid, the rest are half full of food and supplies. All of the train cars fit the thousands of people joining us. The number of cars is a 126. (Don't ask how I counted all of them let's just say that walking to the front of the train from the back gets pretty boring.) One of the fuller loads of box cars and they box cars are huge. The liquid filled cars have Max, Reid, Andy, Sam, Max's Girlfriend (I gave up on remembering her name), Carlie, Trent, Liam, Lea, and myself. We get to have fun destroying them. The second car holds Max, Reid, Max's Girlfriend, Sam, and Andy. The first car has Carlie, Trent, Lea, Liam, and me. We are having a contest seeing who can throw the vial of liquid further. So far it is a tossup between Lea and I. After they were gone we all decided to catch up on sleep. That was the hard part. Though we always have one to two people on watch, there seems to be more. Sleep is not coming easy to us. Everyone keeps having nightmares or insomnia. Though most of us seems to sleep for a long time Lea doesn't. She always wakes up having a nightmare. Trent would always calm her down and most times it worked. I have to say I am starting to like Trent. Before I was looking for some mistake he would make just so I could shoot him. Things from the past seem to stick to me even though I can't remember. Most of my past I try to forget. No use in keeping the memories you don't like right? But, slowly I made my way to liking Trent. I saw how much he cared about Lea and how much he isn't that bad of a person. I still have that little bit of hatred but I think everyone has a small hatred for each other. Trent is such a good person. He protects everyone else before himself. I guess when I was younger and when Zombies didn't exist Trent was always mean to me. I hated him so much. He used to lock me up in the farm houses, dunk me into the water basin's for the cows, splash mud all over me, destroy my bedroom, ruined all of my paintings (I was never good at it anyway), and he always took whatever spare change I had on me (I was a little kid and the most I had one me was a few dollars to get me an ice cream from the truck that came around every other Sunday). Now he makes sure no zombies are sneaking up on me even though he has his own back to worry about. I always try to cover him back. I never thought people could change. But Trent has proven me wrong. The next thing we plan to do is enter the Dome and get the people to come with us to defeat Eric. We have a small time left to defeat him before he takes over the world or worse kills Bex. He already knows what we are doing. So Bex has no meaning to him anymore. I seriously hope that he didn't do anything to her. IF he did I will kill him faster than Lea has a chance to. Lea wants to take the victory on killing him because he has caused her so much pain. I would want that too. Our plan to take him down has six backups. It used to have seven but the plan from a random guy who was apparently one of the leaders of the dome didn't sound like it had a very good ending. "Plant bombs, keep fighting, and hope you don't die." That is one big suicide mission that a lot of people do not want to be on. The other six plans will be run through the other people who want to join us and we will have a final plan and a backup. All of the plans include us splitting up despite my request. Every time we split up something bad happens. Who says something like this won't happen again when we do it on a huge scale. This fight with Eric can have no mistakes. One mess up and we are all for sure dead. Hopefully that doesn't happen to us. Hopefully we can stop Eric from ruining everything. -Ash