Chapter Ten

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Veronica POV

My body was being lifted from the cold ground. My head throbbing as I heard distant voices.

"We got to get her home"

"Which home ours or hers"

"Ours stupid, I wouldnt let her go back to the place ever again"

"Dont have to be rude"

"Just shut up and get her into the car, Carter waiting for us, she practically have bitten down her nails"

"Dude this girl needs to lay off the twinkies"

I was put into the back of a car, the smell made me want to throw up. I moaned in pain and the mysterious people voices seemed to cease. Once I stopped moaning the two strongs arms were adjusting my body to fit.

The car was started up and the tune of Ed Sheeran came through the speakers.

"Give a little time to me or burn this out,

We'll play hide and seek to turn this around,

All I want is the taste that your lips allow,

My, my, my, my, oh give me love,

My, my, my, my, oh give me love,

My, my, my, my, oh give me love,

My, my, my, my, give me love,

Give me love like never before,

'Cause lately I've been craving more,

And it's been a while but I still feel the same,

Maybe I should let you go"

The tune soothed the pain in the back of my mind. It all came crashing back.

The boy touching up my leg, buying drinks after drinks. His voice making me shiver- not in the good way. He was a total creep, but being underaged who cares. I just wanted to forget my dad and all his stupid problems.

The car pulled to a halt, I was being dragged into the house. The couch seat met my face and I was out.

I woke up to a face staring down at mines, the cold blue eyes looking into mines. His face was so close and I wanted to do was embrace him.

I wanted to feel his lips against mines, I wanted the welcome again but instead I pushed him away. In the corner was Blake trying to comfort Carter.

Her eyes were rimmed red and she look older than what she suppose too. I hated putting her through my problems again. My eyes went into sadness, all I wanted to do was run.

Run away from everyone, start a new life, meet new people. But we all knew I would never do that. I didnt have the guts too.

Everyone looked at me in discomfort as if they thought my next move was to grab a knife and stab one of them.

I sighed and laid back against the cushion.

Devin POV

I laid against the coldness of the pillow. I havent been here in a while, it all seemed unfamiliar to me.

Veronica never replied to me, I had no clue as if she had interest in me at all.

Sam was saying something, I told him to repeat it again so I could read his lips.

He then said it slower "Movie?" it seems as if thats all we did was watch movies. But I happily agreed to watch whatever.

I went to the kitchen to make food, putting music on as high as it can go, to feel the base against the wall. It didnt make me feel like such an outsider when I did.

I was calm, I was happy.

Heeeey Guys

so sorry for not posting stuff has been happening. rather not talk about it

excuse the spelling error

xoxoxox Jestinee

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