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"I wish you could google how to deal with withdrawal symptoms from a love potion." Harry said as he laid on Hermione's couch

The witch laughed. Honestly, it was nice having a friend that grew up in the muggle world like she did. Perhaps that was why she always felt closer to Harry than Ron; Harry and Hermione just had more things they could relate about.

"Well, that's why you'll be spending the forseeable future with me here at my flat." she said "I expect that you've known me long enough to know that there isn't anything google knows that I don't."

Even though she said it as a joke, there were definitely times when Harry thought that exact thing.

"So, what do you need to do?" he asked sitting up to face her

"Well, you should be lying down for starters. A typical withdrawal sign is dizziness and lying down typically helps with that." she said

"Fine." Harry said and laid back down "Am I going to be stuck like this for a week now?"

Hermione shook her head. "No." she said "For about three weeks. Maybe two if your lucky."

"That is a joke, right?" he hoped

"I don't know, is it?" she teased "Anyways the point is you need rest. Don't worry about how long, just relax and forget about everything."

Harry sighed "This means no working, I assume?" he questioned and Hermione nodded

"Alright, but if I can't work, you can't either. That's the only way I'll agree to it." he said

"Oh come on! That's not fair!" she complained

"It completely is fair. We've both had bad break-ups, and a break would be good. For both of us." Harry said, trying to encourage his friend

"Fine." she said "But only if I get to pick what we do during the break."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Aren't we supposed to be relaxing?" he asked

"It'll be something fun. Stress-free, but will give us something to do at the same time." she said

"Okay." he said "Have any ideas."

She simply smiled. "Actually..."

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