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After Hermione had explained what she had in mind, Harry sort of sat there in awe. He wasn't opposed to the idea of going to Godric's Hollow and fixing it up a bit, it might actually be a good thing now that the war has ended and all...

As moments passed, Harry realized he actually thought the idea was quite brilliant, however Ginny had tried and convince him for months to at least visit the house, but he would never listen. But now with Hermione, he felt as if there was nothing else he'd want to do. 

"It's okay if you don't want to." Hermione said rather quickly when she wasn't getting an answer but Harry shook his head. 

"No, it's not that." he said "I was just lost in thought I guess."

This made Hermione smile. "So you're up for it?"

"Absolutely." he said 


The next day, Harry woke Hermione up rather early so that they could work on the house in Godric's Hollow for as long as possible.

When they got inside, they looked around. Harry was in his parent's bedroom while Hermione was in Harry's old nursery. 

Surprisingly, even after the attack and all this time abandoned, the house was able to preserve some things (mainly photos) which Harry figured were due to the protective charms his parents put up. 

The first photo Harry saw was of his dad and Sirius, which reminded him of a picture of him and Ron. Then he saw a picture of his parents, and he froze. It was just like him and Hermione. Sure, Ginny might have looked like his mother physically speaking, but personality wise they were nothing alike, and the picture showed exactly that. 

At first, Harry reckoned that maybe it was a coincidence that his parents looked like him and Hermione. Maybe it was just wishful thinking? But, the next picture was of his mother holding her books, while his father was carrying his broom. His mum looked up to his father just like Hermione looked up to him. They both gave them that look that said 'you are an impulsive idiot but I love you anyways.' 

Without thinking Harry grabbed the picture and walked over to his old nursery to show Hermione what he had found. When he saw her, she was staring at a wall, which he soon discovered had yet another old family photo. 

This one, however, was not only of his parents, but with him as well. It looked like Sirius was taking the picture as James was pointing just behind the camera and laughing, which would make sense if it was his best friend who stood there. 

At first glance, the photo just looked like any other, except the more time that passed by, Harry realized that Ron had taken a picture of him holding his godson standing next to Hermione. The picture was nearly identical. Harry was laughing just as his father was, and Hermione scowled at them for acting like children. 

Maybe, Harry thought, In some weird twisted way, Ginny giving him the love potion was a good thing. For if she hadn't, he wouldn't be standing here with Hermione, realizing that all this time she was more than just a friend. Even if their relationship wasn't romantic, it was stronger than just friendship. Hermione stuck by his side no matter what the risk, or what anyone thought. Ron hadn't. Meaning he was a friend. But Hermione was more.

"Hermione?" Harry said, causing her to look over at him. "During our hunt for horcruxes...why didn't you just leave with Ron? Merlin knows it would've been a lot easier than staying. And besides, it was quite clear you two fancied each other...I mean, I will never be able to thank you. But, still. Why stay?" 

Hermione took a deep breath. This would surely be hard to explain. 

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