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"Dudley, what's wrong?" Harry asked once they sat down at the kitchen table. Hermione was beyond lost, as she thought he hadn't gotten along with his muggle family.

"It's a long, and confusing story...honestly I have no idea where to start." he said and trailed off "Your mother, my aunt, she was a witch but she was born into a what do you call it muggle family?" 

Harry nodded. "She was. So is Hermione." he said and nodded towards her 

"Okay, well this is going to make me seem horrible, but it really wasn't my choice. When I turned sixteen, I had gotten angry with my parents. Dad was angry all the time, eventually leaving me to be the same. One day he yelled at me and I snapped. A picture frame flew off the wall and hit him in the head rendering him unconscious." he explained 

"You mean you're a muggleborn?" Harry asked and he nodded 

"According to mum, anyways." Dudley said 

"Why didn't she send you to Hogwarts? The reason she was so mean to my mother was because she was witch and was able to use magic." he said 

"Well, I'm sure my father would never have allowed it. And even if he did, after what had happened to your mum and dad...she thought the wizarding world was too dangerous." He took a pause before continuing "I-er, My mum told me what happened to your parents and I just wanted to apologize for my dad referring to them as drunks."

Harry nodded. "Thanks." he said "But I'm assuming you didn't come here to tell me all of this?" 

Dudley nodded. "Yeah, I actually came by because my daughter Abby." He nudged the toddler on his arm "Might actually be magical like I was. And I really don't want to keep her from the wizard world the way my mum had done to me." he said 

"Does uncle Vernon know about any of this?" Harry asked 

"I stopped talking to my dad once I turned eighteen. He was mad about the whole 'I don't think you're a waste of space' thing. Our relationship hasn't been the same since then, and well, eventually I had just stopped talking to him altogether." Dudley explained 

Hermione suddenly decided to speak up. "Dudley, if you do possess any magical tendencies, I really suggest you learn more about it. I mean, not only is it dangerous not knowing how to control your magic, but when Abby grows up...she'll want someone she can talk to about Hogwarts and magic. If you learn even the basics it could bring you two a lot closer." she said 

"But it's too late, I mean I didn't go to Hogwarts." he said 

"Well, it just so happens that Harry here is an excellent teacher. He once taught an entire army of kids at our school how to produce a corporeal patronous." Hermione said causing Dudley to gap. 

"You taught magic to an entire army?" he asked in disbelief "Wow, I really underestimated you when we were young." 

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