t w e l v e

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A/N: So, I know that in this story Teddy is two, meaning that it would have been two years after the war. But in this fan fic, he was born about a year earlier just for the sake of this working. Because there was no way I would leave this out of the story. 



Harry and Hermione walked with Teddy between them holding both of their hands as they started up the path to the burrow. 

"Teddy, I need you to be on your best behavior today, alright?" Harry told his godson "This is going to be a hard day for the Weasley's and me and Aunt Hermione as well." 

"Are we saying goodbye to Uncle Fred like we said goodbye to my parents?" he asked 

"Yeah," Harry responded "We are." 

* * * 

* * *

The burrow was so quiet, it was scary. A small space with so many people was bound to be noisy , but today it was anything but. 

"Well, mum, I suppose we should start." Bill finally spoke up "No point in prolonging it any longer than needed." 

Molly wiped her eyes and nodded in agreement while Fleur held her husband's hand for reassurance. 

By their side stood Charlie with a small dragon on his shoulder that must've only been a day old or so. Then, there was Percy who stood almost emotionless with his new wife. Ron was next, and he was tightly holding on to one of the fake wands from Fred and George's joke shop. It was the first edition, according to Fred, but he wanted Ron to have it. 

"Alright." Molly said and took a deep breath in "George, any last words for you're brother?" 

George nodded. "Fred was my other half, it's impossible to imagine moving on without him. We had pulled so many great pranks together. Gotten in trouble for all of them, but it was worth it." he took a deep breath and looked up at his mum as if expecting something horrible to happen "So, with that in mind...I would like to say--" 

"Surprise!" Fred said, suddenly appearing right next to him "Best prank yet, huh?" 

"BOYS!!" Molly yelled as everyone else laughed with relief 

"Bloody hell, that was not funny." Ron said, covering his heart

"Speak for yourself, baby brother." George said 

"Yeah, plus George told me all the nice things you guys have been saying about me for the past month." Fred added "Who knew it only took dying before you would all start being nice to me?" 

George gave him a high-five. 

"Well, where on earth have you been? And why did you think this was a good idea?" Molly demanded 

"Been hiding out in the Joke shop of course." said Fred 

"Yeah, and once this hits the papers I reckon we'll get a lot more business." George added 

"Plus, we thought this would be a good way to cheer everyone up after the war." 

"But, looking back on it....I think we could've gone with something else Gred." 

"You're right, Feorge." 

Ginny was the first to speak up out of all the Weasley's. "I'm just glad you two are alright." she said 

"We're more than alright." Fred said "We're spectacular." 

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