e i g h t e e n

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Hermione, who had just given birth to her firstborn daughter, was currently passed out in her hospital bed. 

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Harry asked the nurse, who was checking Lily's vital signs 

"Most mothers sleep for a few hours after child birth." she said "But it really just depends on how their labor went, and the mother herself of course." 

"Thanks." Harry said, and watched the nurse leave the room. 

"I was talking about the baby." he muttered to himself, holding his head in his hands, though a knock at the door made him jolt up. 

"Hey, Harry? You in here?" Ron called from the door. 

"Yeah!" He called back "Hermione, wake up, Ron's here." he said, nudging her gently.

"Great." she muttered, slightly pushing herself up into a sitting position. 

"Merlin, it's weird to believe your parents." Ron said when he saw them. "Seems like just yesterday we were running around Hogwarts up to no good...I reckon Lily will too when she's older." 

"You want to know something even weirder than Harry and I being parents?" Hermione asked the two boys "Just then, when I was napping, I had the weirdest dream. It took place in the future...."

"Finally come around to Divination, have you?" Ron teased "I'm sure Professor Trewalney would be proud." 

Hermione glared at her red headed friend. "Shut up." she muttered "What I was going to say, was that it was a scene from the future...I don't know how I know that I just did. Sometimes dreams work that way. Anyways, in the dream there was a little girl with dark brown hair and bright green eyes sitting with a book in her hands next to a boy with bleach-blonde hair. I don't know how I know this either, but I knew it was Lily and Scorpius-" 

"Draco's kid?" Harry asked in bewilderment, and Hermione smiled at the use of his first name. 

"Yes." she said "I think they are going to be friends." 

Ron laughed. "A Malfoy and a Potter couldn't possibly be friends" he said

"Maybe." Hermione said, and then turned to look at her sleeping daughter. "Or maybe not..." 


Only one more chapter left :( 

I know I haven't updated in forever and I'm soooo sorry. I was really busy with midterms and college applications. Anyways I wanted to say thank you for the support with this book, I mean 5k views? I'm shooketh. Anyways thanks again and I'll update again soon!

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