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On Sunday night, Harry was stressing out about the whole dinner thing 

"Hermione, I can't go!" he complained "He'll make me look like an idiot!" 

Hermione smiled. It was cute to see how flustered he got over just some dinner. "Actually, I happen to know Astoria very well," she said "And if he tries anything, he's sure to be told off for doing so, so you have nothing to worry about."

"But Teddy'll be here tomorrow to move in! What if we have a late night or get drunk and then we're hungover for when my godson gets here!" he panicked 

"Hangover potion." she said smiling. Sometimes it really had seemed that he had forgotten that they wizards and could use magic. 

"Right, of course." He smiled sheepishly "Now, I guess we can go." he said and extended his arm to Hermione which she willingly took

"Great." she said 

* * *

The dinner passed by rather quickly. Hermione teased Harry by saying it was because 'time flies when you're having fun', but Harry would act like he was Miserable the entire time. Though much to his surprise, he honestly wasn't having a bad time. Until Draco had said that Spain would win the world cup. Harry had a lot of faith in Scotland, and he had seen a good amount of quidditch games before. 

While they were arguing, Hermione and Astoria talked for quite a while. Astoria had told Hermione that she was expecting but was waiting until after the wedding to tell Draco. 

Not too long after that, Harry had 'casually' brought up the fact that Teddy would be visiting tomorrow to move in with them at Godric's Hollow. Hermione, however, knew that he had purposely told them so that they could leave early. 

"You know, Teddy won't be coming over until noon. We could have stayed if we wanted too." she said 

"I know but I wanted to be here, with you. Not at Malfoy's with Malfoy." he said and Hermione laughed 

"No matter what you say about how much you hated it there, I know you actually enjoyed yourself. I think you're just too proud to admit it." she teased 

"Too proud to admit it?" Harry asked in shock "No, I'm just too embarrassed to admit it." 

* * *

* * * 

"I see you're back at work, Granger." said one of Hermione's coworker's at St. Mungo's

"That I am." she said "Harry's fully recovered from the love potion, so I decided it was time to come back."

"What makes you so sure?" he asked

"Besides the fact that I am Britain's best healer, you mean?" she teased "Well, before Harry felt bad for Ginny after getting caught slipping him a love potion for several years without his knowledge. Now, he just wants to send a few hexes her way."

The other healer laughed. "Well, you can't blame him, can you?" he said "Anyways, O'Dare's looking for you. She said it was some emergency."

Hermione nodded and thanked him. Though she knew that there was only a slight possibility it was an actual emergency considering it was Jane.

"You wanted to see me?" she asked once she reached Jane's office. It was covered in baby toys, scattered across the ground. Jane specialized in delivering babies, but Hermione thought it was a bit odd that her office looked like a daycare considering no kids actually came in here.

"Hermione! Of course I wanted to see you!" she said and pulled her in for a hug, then somewhat froze before pulling away

"Is everything okay?" Hermione asked

"You're pregnant." 

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