e p i l o u g u e

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11 years later, Platform 9 3/4

"You've got your books? Quills? Parchment?" Hermione asked her daughter Lily as they were awaiting the Hogwarts Express. 

"Relax, Mione...she's fine." Harry said, putting a hand on his wife's shoulder "Aren't you, kiddo?" 

Lily gave him a slight nod. "But what if I'm not sorted into Gryffindor? What if I'm in Slytherin with Scorpius?" she asked 

"Well, Slytherin will gain a young and brilliant witch now, won't they?" her dad said "But if you are sorted into Slytherin, promise me you'll become seeker, alright?" 

"Piss off, Potter." Draco said from behind them, causing Astoria to nudge his arm. "What? He started it." 

"Hi, Lily." Scorpius said, emerging from behind his parents.

"Hi, Scorpius." she replied "Let's go on now so that we can find our own booth." 

"Alright." he said taking her hand and they both ran off towards the train. 

"Who the hell are we? Chopped liver?" Draco said "Little brat didn't even say goodbye." 

"Draco!" Astoria scolded and he mumbled an apology.

"Wild they're friends, isn't it?" Harry said, turning ever so slightly to face his old rival 

"Well, Lily's got Granger's brains. And only a brilliant witch can recognize a great friend when they see one." Draco said, giving Harry a slight smirk "Unlike some." 

"After all this time, you two still can't get along, can you?" Hermione scolded 

"Always." the two said simultaneously 

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