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Hermione threw a hex at Ron, and he disappeared from her porch. 

"What was he talking about Hermione?" Harry asked his best friend, following her inside of her house "Why did you two break up?" 

Hermione sighed. She didn't want to talk about it, but she knew she would sooner or later. And now was a pretty good time. 

"Well, I was--" she started but was cut off by a loud pop. 

"Granger, you were so wrong about that weird looking secretary at my building." A familiar voice said "Potter, what the hell are you doing here?" 

Harry stood up. "Malfoy?" he snapped 

"Harry, sit down." Hermione ordered "Really good timing, Malfoy. You just missed a huge blow out between him and Ron."

"The weasel was here? You promised you'd let me know, so that I could throw a good couple of hexes his way." he pouted 

"I know, but it all happened so fast." Hermione explained "Anyways, how's Astoria?" 

Harry had finally had enough. "What the hell is going on here?" he demanded 

Hermione looked over at Malfoy, who was sitting in an arm chair across from the couch that she and Harry were on. 

"War's over." he said "Don't see why you can't tell him." 

She nodded, and looked back towards Harry. "Remember in third year when I punched him in the face?" she asked 

"That's why you're friends?" 

"No, not exactly." she admitted "Well, after I punched him, I was expecting a fight. Instead he just ran away. I knew something was off then, so at the start of fourth year I confronted him about it." 

Draco smiled. "And when she says 'confronting', she means holding her wand to my throat demanding to know why I was putting on this show of being a bad guy." he said 

"Yes." Hermione agreed "Anyways, I then found out about how he was getting pressured by his father to act this way, and that he really had no choice. When he got the mark, things only got worse. His father and all those death eaters only had more control over him." 

Harry looked puzzled for a second. "Is that why you were acting like I was crazy when I thought he was a death eater in our sixth year?" he asked and she nodded "Anyways what's with the weird looking secretary?" 

Hermione laughed. "Draco thinks his secretary is hiding something from him. I think she likes him." she said 

"And you thought wrong." He responded "She doesn't like me. She's obsessed with me! Apparently her name is Kelsey, and one of my employees caught her trying to slip me a love potion in my coffee." 

Hermione bursted out laughing. 

"Don't want to go down that road..." Harry said. Suddenly Hermione stopped laughing. 

"Yeah, I heard about the Weaselette." he said "I don't know how desperate you've got to be to poison someone into liking you...seems pretty sad, honestly." 

Hermione shook her head. "I have a feeling the two of you will cause more trouble than you and Ron did." 

Draco scoffed. "Of course we will. I can do anything better than that Weasel...which reminds me. Astoria invited you over for dinner on Sunday. I mean-we did-of course."

"Oh that sounds great! I'd love too!" Hermione said 

"And bring Potter too. I would love to embarrass him in front of my fiance." he teased and Harry rolled his eyes 

"I'll be there." he said 

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