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It was now Friday evening, only two days since Hermione had admitted that she had feelings for Harry during their school years. She was beyond relieved to hear that he had felt the same way. He just didn't know it at the time because he was under the influence of Ginny's love potion. 

Already, the two had made plans to move in together. Once they had finished the work to Harry's house in Godric's Hollow, they would officially be living together. 

"Hermione! Come here, I want to show you something!" Harry called from the room he was working on which was currently down the hall from where Hermione was working 

"Coming!" she said, and was surprised to see him in his old nursery. Often, he would specifically avoid that room because of what had happened there, but now Harry was standing in the center of the nursery and smiling like an idiot. 

"I re-did the nursery." he said "The walls are supposed to be gold for Gryffindor, but I decided to paint them as a light yellow instead because gold would probably be too much for a baby's room, you know?" 

Hermione laughed. "Yeah, I think you're right about that." she said and walked up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her chin on his shoulder "Maybe Teddy could come live with us once we're settled in. I mean, if Andromeda's okay with that of course." 

Harry smiled. "She'll be okay with it. Says he's even more of a trouble maker than his mum. And he's barely two years old yet." he said and then turned to face Hermione. "You know--" 

Whatever he was going to say was cut short by two sharp knocks on the front door. 

"Stay here, Harry." Hermione ordered "Who knows who could be at the door? It could be someone dangerous and powerful, with means to hurt you. I'll go get it okay?" 

He seemed anxious about letting her go alone, but she left before he was able to stop her. 

When Hermione opened the door, she saw a man about her own age, with a toddler by his side. 

"Is Harry here? Harry Potter?" the man asked, he looked extremely worried 

"Why? Who's after him? Is it a death eater?" she asked but he just stared blankly at her 

"I'm not after him. I'm not a death eater, I'm his cousin. Dudley." he said 

* * * 

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