s e v e n t e e n

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"All I'm saying is that we need a plan on how to leave the hospital." Hermione started explaining to both Harry and Ron "The Prophet watches our every move. I mean, Skeeter can write a whole article on where we went for dinner and it would still make the front page. Imagine what would happen when they find out about Lily." 

"We apparate." Ron said as if it was obvious. "One second we're at St. Mungo's, the next, boom, we're back at Godric's Hollow." 

Harry rolled his eyes. "Ron you can't apparate with a baby."

"Exactly." I said, happy to have Harry on my side for support 

"It's against the law." He finished, which totally ruined it

"You both are so stupid!" I said and stormed out of the room, with tears in my eyes. It seemed like lately my mood swings were worse than normal.

Once I left, I was still able to hear their conversation thanks to a simple spell I learned in my sixth year. Normally, I think eavesdropping is wrong, but as of now, I was too upset to think. 

"Something's wrong with Hermione." Ron said "She's not usually like this..."

"She's pregnant, Ron." Harry said blatantly

"Oh right." he said and then sighed "What do you think that's like?" 

"What what's like?" 

"Being pregnant." 

There was a long pause, until, finally, Harry spoke up. 

"Ron I don't have time for this right now." He said leaning back and rubbing his eyes with his hands

"Well, one day when Lily can talk, she'll be asking you all sorts of questions." Ron said "And a toddler doesn't take 'I don't have time for this right now as an answer." 

Suddenly, a sharp pain in my lower back causes me to drop my wand, therefore muting out Ron and Harry's entire conversation. 

I reached my right hand to the spot, and almost immediately after I get an even worse pain in my lower abdomen. I clutched my stomach using my available left hand, and try my best to ease the pain somehow. 

I tried not to scream, because I was always paranoid of being like the boy who cried wolf, and say 'I'm going into labor!' every time my stomach hurts, only for it to be nothing and then when the time really does come, nobody believes me and then I'm totally screwed. Though, now I was faced with little choice as the pain kept getting worse and worse.

"Harry!" I eventually called out 


"The baby's coming!" 

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