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On Wednesday afternoon, Harry and Hermione had decided to paint the interior of his house in Godric's Hollow. They reconstructed it all with magic, but they wanted to paint it the muggle way.

"Hermione, you don't need to tell me...but I really want to know about what happened... between you and Ron. Whatever it is, you know I'll be on your side. I just can't help you if I don't know what happened." Harry said while painting the master bedroom besides Hermione

She put her paintbrush down and Harry followed.

"I know I would have had to tell you at one point or the other." she sighed "Well, I had never really truly fancied Ron. I had liked someone else, but I thought he was way out of my league, so I guess I gave up on the idea of me and him."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "Do I know him?" he asked "The guy you fancied?"

Hermione grimaced. "Ummm....most likely." she said

He nodded and tried not to look too disappointed. Malfoy. Harry thought

"Anyways, I did have feelings for Ron...at one point. But they were never strong to begin with and honestly I don't know how I could have been with someone who used to torment me." she admitted

Harry nodded and mentally crossed off the name Malfoy as a possibility of the mystery guy Hermione liked.

"When I kissed him in the chamber of secrets...it was more of a 'oh my god, thank merlin I didn't die' type of kiss. I mean we were covered in sewer water, nothing about it was really romantic. And well, when I told him that he said that it didn't really matter. He said he had become fixated on dating me after fourth year so that he could have the one thing you couldn't." she said, her eyes looking down at the floor

"If I would've known that a few days ago, I would've hit him harder." he said and Hermione laughed "Listen, I'm really sorry about him. He's an arse."

Hermione nodded. "And I'm really sorry about Ginny." she said 

"So this mystery guy? You said I know him?" Harry asked and she nodded "Neville?" 



"Ew, he's definitely not my type." 

Harry laughed. "Oh, really? What's your type?" he asked 

"Quidditch players." Hermione answered 

"You don't mean McLaggen, right? He was a total prat and you deserve better." he said, causing Hermione to smile 

"No...the guy I fancy plays a different position. Seeker." she said 

Harry thought about it. "Merlin, not Viktor Krum! Hermione he's as dense as wood!" he yelled 

At least he's not downright oblivious, she thought

"No. I've known this person since first year. He was the seeker and the captain of his team at Hogwarts. That should be more than enough clues." she said, rolling her eyes 

"Wait, there was Shepard and Andrews, they were the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff captains but they both played chaser. The Slytherin captain was Malfoy and he played seeker, but you don't like him because you know better." He tried to piece everything together, but somehow couldn't 

"And what about Gryffindor?" Hermione said. If he couldn't figure it out after this, she was at a loss. 

"Gryffindor? Well, when I joined the team it was Wood, but after he left Hogwarts..." 

And at last he had figured it out.

"That's sort of embarrassing." he said "I mean, that it took me so long. But I guess I just never thought..." 

"Is it a bad thing?" Hermione asked worriedly. 

He shook his head. "No, not at all." 

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