t h i r t e e n

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Fred and George got grounded for a year after their little stunt they pulled. 

"Since we're all here, we might as well make the best of it." Molly said as she gathered everybody around the table "So, Harry, Hermione. Anything new for you two?" 

Hermione looked at Harry, both unsure of what to do. Luckily for them, Teddy spoke for them. 

"Aunt Hermione has a tiny baby in her stomach." he said "I said it's gonna be a girl so that way there'll be two boys and two girls at home." 

Everything went silent. 

"Bloody hell." Ron said "That's one way to drop the news." 

Everyone started to laugh, except for Ginny who was now fiddling with the charm on her necklace. 

"Oooh, back in Romania, my co-workers and I always bet on unborn baby dragons." Charlie said, and naturally everyone looked at him funny "Well, for example if the mom and dad are two different breeds, we bet on what breed the babies will resemble more." 

"The kid will definitely be just like Harry." Ron said 

"No way." Fred said "I bet it'll be just like Hermione." 

"It?" Fleur gasped with baby Victoire in her arms 

"You're not allowed to bet, Fred, you're grounded." Molly chided "And besides we are not going to bet on this baby at all. It isn't a dragon after all."

Ron looked at them uneasily. "You know, this really makes me feel old." he said "Just yesterday was our first train ride together." 

Hermione smiled. "I know." she said 

"Good Merlin, Harry's going to be a dad." he said and then laughed a little 

"Hey! It's not funny." Harry said and slapped his friends arm slightly 

"I know, but you know what is funny. The fact that this kid is going to be one of the biggest trouble makers Hogwarts has yet to see." he said smiling "Which brings me to my next question: Hermione, how are you going to handle this? Are you going to send the poor kid a howler every week?"

She rolled her eyes. "I will if it comes to it." she said 

"Enough of your silly questions, Ron." Molly chided at her son "We don't need to worry about what this baby will be like, all we need to know is when he or she will be here!" 

Harry was about to say something, but was cut off to soon. 

"Wait!" George yelled "I bet I can guess!"

"Yeah." Fred added "Hermione when's your birthday? Wasn't it just a few months ago?" 

Everyone started laughing except Molly. "You two are grounded, must I remind you!" she said "I wouldn't push your luck or I might just go and add on extra year!"

"Only a year?" Fred teased

"C'mon mum, you can do better than that." George added 

"If you two don't keep your mouths shout I swear to Merlin I will add visiting your aunt as part of your punishment!" Molly yelled, which immediately got the twins to settle down

And even though they were giving her the worst headache she's had in ages...she was just glad to have her boys back.

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