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In a way, the news was good. Not just good great. I mean, Hermione was thrilled, but how would she know that Harry would feel the same way? Sure, they had similar childhoods both growing up in the muggle world and all, but he grew up with the Dursley's. 

She thought back to their first year, when Harry had told her about the mirror of erised and how he saw his parents. At the time, she remembered feeling horrible for him, but at the same time, she saw him in a different light. Most people, like Ron for example, saw money and fame, whereas Harry saw his family. 

So, theoretically speaking, he would've been psyched to find out he was about to have his own, right? 

But Hermione couldn't help wondering if this is what he truly wanted. Would he freak out because he's never really had parents who have cared for him? But at the same time, Molly Weasley acted like his second mother for all those years. And it was painstakingly obvious to see how much of a father figure Sirius was to him.

"Harry?" Hermione said finally working up the courage to tell him when they were lying in bed, currently separated  by a sleeping Teddy. 

"Yeah?" He answered 

"Teddy's been with us a few weeks now, hasn't he?" she asked looking down at her side, where he was currently fast asleep.

"Yeah, why?" Harry replied, propping himself on his elbow so he could properly see Hermione over his godson's crazy blue hair.

"I was just wondering how you felt about having a kid. I mean, it is scary having such a small child depend on you for everything, isn't it?" 

He nodded. "Yeah, honestly I'm completely terrified." he admitted, and Hermione was worried that he would say he wasn't ready and may never be "I mean, I've always wanted to have my own family but now...I just don't know if I can." 

A tear rolled down Hermione's cheek. What in Merlin's name would she do now?

"What's wrong?" he asked 

"I'm pregnant." she said so softly she was barely heard. "And I'm scared, Harry. I'm so scared." 

Harry looked over at her. "I'm going to be a dad? Are you serious?" he said and went to hug Hermione but Teddy was stuck in between them, so the hug caused him to wake up crying. 

"I have a feeling we need a lot of practice before this whole parenting thing." Harry whispered and Hermione nodded 

"Yeah, I think so too" she whispered back causing them both to laugh

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