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--five months later--

Six months into Hermione's pregnancy, and things were already crazy with in the trio.

It all started as a joke when Ron made some stupid remark about 'how there are no books for Hermione to read on pregnancy', though Hermione insisted there were. Of course, Ron had trouble believing her, until his mum, Mrs. Weasley confirmed that there were.

"Oh of there are books about pregnancies Ronald!" Mrs. Weasley chided "How else would a mother learn?"

"What's there to learn? Feed it. Change it. And that's all there really is to it."

Hermione shut her eyes, and Harry could tell that she was mentally warning herself on consequences she would face if she hit Ron with a horrible and powerful hex.

"Well, for the most part women are born with a natural maternal instinct." Mrs. Weasley said, and looked over at Hermione and smiled before turning her focus to both Harry and Ron "Men however...not so much."

Ron scowled, and looked somewhat offended by the comment. "I'd make a great dad." he muttered to himself

"If you are so sure about that, than why don't you try it?" Mrs Weasley suggested

"What? Mum, I can't just accio a baby. That's not how it works." Ron said

"What I meant was babysitting." she corrected "Neville and Luna have two year old twins, and I'm sure they'd love the opportunity to get out of the house for a bit."

"When do we start? Now?" Ron asked "Then, come on Harry. Hermione."

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere." Hermione said, sitting in her armchair by the fire. Her hands were resting on her swollen stomach, while her book laid next to her on the end table.

"What? why?"

"Well for one, my stomach has gotten so big that I can't even reach my feet to put my shoes on." she said, "And besides, if even if I were able to get shoes on, I won't be much help with the kids. I'll probably fall asleep five minutes after we get there."

"Please?" Harry begged

"No, and I'm sorry love but if you really want to learn how to become a dad and take care of a child then you'll need to learn without my help." she explained "Besides, I can tell you how to be a great parent, but that won't do nearly as much as experiencing it first hand."

Ron sighed and plopped down on the sofa. "I'm not the one becoming a father, so I don't really think it's necessary that I go." he said, but his mum had other ideas

"Oh, you're going Ronald Weasley!" she chided "Whether you like it or not!"

The red-head rolled his eyes. "Great." he said and looked up at Harry, who was smiling nervously; Hoping for the best but prepared for the worst.

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