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I didn't even allow her to finish speaking and I followed her to the classroom.
I saw him squatting in front of the cupboard and his shoulders were shaking. I was wondering why Lauren called me, I was about to ask her, then she placed her index finger on her lips signalling me to keep quiet. We walked closer toward him and I heard sniffing and whimpering from his direction. Meaning he was crying.

Immediately, I became worried for him. "Darling? Are you alright?" I asked him, he turned toward me when he heard my voice. He wiped his face but didn't talk because of the hiccups coming from him.

I became really worried that I forgot that Lauren was there in the room. "Darling, what is wrong with you?" I asked again truly worried. I also noticed he was searching through the books in the cupboard.  

"I....I...I..I can't find my booookkkkkk." 
Immediately, Lauren and I broke into laughter. This boy can't be serious, I mean he's crying, actually crying just because he can't find his exercise book.

"What is funny? Did you come to laugh at me?" He asked turning towards me.

"Of course we came to laugh at you. Isn't it funny, isn't it an interesting site to witness someone whose Dad owns a printing press cry over an exercise book?" I asked Lauren rethorically and we both broke into laughter again.

"I....I...I..I can't find my booookkkkkk."  I imitated his voice and we broke out into a laughing fit again.

All of a sudden, he got up from his position and turned toward us. We kept mute immediately and looked at him expecting him to react. Instead, he looked at us. Sizing us up and down, up and down with his eyes and then he turned around and left the classroom. Immediately he turned around, we broke into laughter again.

Days turned into weeks and weeks to months, today is the school's end of second term and we are having a speech and price giving day. I am helping Aunty Anita, one of my favorite teacher in selling ice cream to the students and guests at the program. The program is going on smoothly and I was also enjoying the selling until...

"My mother is calling you, Gold." I heard Desmond say and I raised my head to find him standing in front of the ice cream queue, with his group of friends, blocking the other customers.

"I'm busy as you can see, also, you're blocking the line. If you're willing to buy an ice cream, make it fast and don't worry me. I'm working."

"My mother is calling you she wants to see you"

"Let me be okay, I don't even know her why would she call me when she doesn't even know me." I retorted.

"Natalie, it's true, his mom is calling you so let's go." Noah, one of his friends added.

"Look here, I don't care, tell her I'm not coming to see her, I'm busy and also, I'm not ready for your games." Leave so that I can serve the rest.

"I'll buy four ice creams" he said and I gave it to them. He took his own from me last and turned around to leave but stopped mid step "Natalie, you're seeing my mother, whether you like it or not, just wait and see." After, he turned around and left.

Can this guy be anymore frustrating? I thought to myself as I worked, but truly, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I decided to put myself into the work so that I can forget about him. I did that but it couldn't work so I gave up trying. After sometime, the program ended and parents were going home with their wards, my mama has been sick for sometime now so she wasn't able to make it. Cowbell supported the program so they were having a dancing competition and I decided to go watch the dance. Before I can go, Emily approached me "Hey, Nat, your cousin is dancing let's go and watch her"

"Okay, I'm coming give me a second." I packed the things and we went toward the stage, while going, I realized I still have my apron on "Oh, I forgot let me put the apron away, I'll be right back" I did that and came back shortly, we continued toward the stage and all of a sudden, I heard my name being called from behind.

I turned around to search for the person calling me only to see a woman waving at me, indicating that I come to her.

Anything gold.

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