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It's almost time for the test to begin and I still don't have my book with me.
The d*ck has still not given my book to me because I refused to respond to what he calls my "name".

'Sit silently and get your books ready for the test. It is your first class with me and I have to know your capabilities in regards to the English Language.' Mrs. Feladin said entering the classroom.

She turned her back to the blackboard writing the questions. Once I noticed that, I took the opportunity and got out of my seat to Desmond's.

'Give my book back to me' 

'It is not with me'

'you're the only person having assess to the cupboard and moreover, you didn't give my book to me because I didn't respond to whatever name you gave you, so please give my book to me or else I'm reporting it to Mrs. Feladin.'

I told him getting annoyed with him. He just stuck his tongue out at me and went back to writing his work. A**hole, he is writing and I'm just sitting down here trying to get my book without even succeeding, we shall see. I thought while getting up and walking to Mrs. Feladin's direction.

'Come for your book Nat.' I heard Desmond said and turned just in time to see him getting up from the book.
What the hell, the guy was sitting on my book with that stinky butt of his?

We are now on break, I didn't feel like eating or going out of the classroom so I was inside.

It's been almost a week or two since we started freshman year of junior high school. Desmond has still not given up with pestering me.

Currently, I'm reading a book in the classroom to relax my mind and pass time, I feel someone looking down at me only to see Mr. Dee looking at me.

'What do you want Des? Why can't you leave me alone?'

'I can't leave you alone Nat, I like you and I'm going to come to you until you accept me.'

'Are you in your right sense?' I asked him looking around the classroom only to realize the classroom is almost full and the students around were listening in on our conversation.

I decided to ignore him and continued with my reading, he looked around and went back to his seat.

After our encounter, classes went by in a rush and we are in our last period which means we'll be closing very soon.

'Natalie, Desmond was asking questions about you. He seems interested in you. He's my friend and he's a good person.' Larry said to me on our way home. 

'I have heard you, but I don't care about him or what he does or who he is, stop talking and walk faster so we can get home early.'

'How was class today?, were you able to find the person I was talking about?' Amanda said while we were about to sleep.

'I don't know, I didn't see anyone in green uniform.'

'I said blue uniform not green, I never said green uniform anyways, did you talk to him?'

'So you knew the person was a boy and you didn't tell me'

'I did tell you, you didn't pay attention'

'you didn't, I know what I heard, the guy is not serious anyways, is his name Desmond Darling?'

'Yes! That is his name, were you able to talk to him? Are you now friends?' She said looking excited. What is wrong with her? How can she be happy because of me talking to the creep? She's something else.

'Yes and No' 'Meaning he spoke with me but we're not friends'

'Ok, send my regards to him tomorrow God willing.'

'Do that yourself we're in the same school afterall.'

'No you do that, because you're in the same class as him.'

Is she alright?, Can this girl be any crazier?

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So the end of chapter two is here. Hope you enjoyed reading it. If you have any suggestions, please post to me on private message.

Anything gold,

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