Chapter 21

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 Alex's point of view

Not long after shipping Trina shopping for things that I need but could get myself I'm leaning against my office door watching my brother carry on with his friends. It's going to be a slow day today, so I don't really need them here, but I've kept them here to gain information and evidence from them.

"Mason can you come into my office for a moment?" I can only pray that this goes better than it would if I were in his shoes. I'd go after him for just thinking that I could be a suspect.

Mason breaks away from the group with a pat on one of the other guys shoulder. His eyes steady holding mine, until I turn into my office waiting to close the door after he's inside.

I lean against my desk with my arms crossed and my head hung, trying to figure out how to say the words that must be said but I dread.

"Just spit it out man," Mason says still standing by the door his arms crossed over his chest watching me.

"I need statements and whereabouts from every guy in that room." I pause take a deep breath and finish. "I believe our perp to be a Marine."

"What?" He says a little too loudly for his liking, so he lowers his voice. "What would make you think that?"

I explain to him about the man that Trina saw and let it sink in before saying, "That includes you, big brother."

Fire blazes in his eyes, his penetrating glare speaking volumes about the rage that he's holding back. "If you think I would ever in my life hurt her, you are not the man I thought you were and we are no longer brothers. She is like a sister to me, hell I don't even see her in that way, Alex."

His words sting, making me wish that I didn't have to do this, but it still doesn't change the fact that I've been working on this case since I found out about it and have yet to find a lead. I have to be missing something and by not making my brothers follow the same rules as everyone else it makes me weak. Weakness I can handle but knowing that I didn't do everything I could to find this guy.... I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"In my line of work, I can't go by what I think, or even my gut feelings because my gut feeling can be shewed by my relationship to a person. I have to have cold hard facts." I stand, step closer to Mason, "If you really want to know what I think just ask next time. No, I don't think you hurt her but even I have given my DNA and filled out a form explaining where I was that night." I turn slightly grabbing my file off my desk and hand it to him. "My DNA left with Trina this morning, although once you read that file you will find that my DNA will most likely be present, due to the events of the day previous to Trina being raped. I need to be thorough and by sending mine in the lab can easily separate my DNA from the attackers."

Mason opens the file, glances down at it and then hands it back to me. "What happens if your DNA is the only thing they find?"

I sigh before letting my body fall against the desk again, "Then we are back at square one and may never find the guy."

"I'll make it happen," he says patting me on the back before leaving the room.

I lean against the door jam and watch Mason tell everyone what's going on, his statement riddled with lies and half-truths. He explains that we feel the need to rule everyone out as suspects and that it's for their own benefit. The truth lies hidden just under the surface hidden under fancy words and the trust these men have for Mason and me.

Mason turns with a slight nod, alerting me that they are ready for me. I nod in return and call the first name from my list into the interrogation room, while Mason moves to the viewing room taking his spot behind the two-way mirror.

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