Chapter 30

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I wake up to the sound of pounding unfortunately for me when I open my eyes it's completely dark in the room. Long thin beams of light filter into the room through cracks in the wall. I am no longer laying in Alex's arms, in fact I am no longer lying in his bed. I'm laying on a hard surface. I sit up banging my head on something as I do. My hand instinctively flies above me, coming in contact with a shortened ceiling. My head whips around, my eyes utilizing what little bit of light that filters through the cracks. I'm in a crate of some sort.

I'm afraid to scream but I'm afraid not to, this indecision is short lived as I my lungs exhale, my screams carried on the breath. Something hard hits the side of the crate, "Shit up, you'll wake the dead," the man laughs. I hear his hard footsteps as he walks away, hearing a loud bang as he slams a heavy metal door.

I can feel the crate lightly moving, swaying a little. It reminds me of the sway of a boat as it moves through the rough ocean and I'm soon struck with the utter truth of where I am. My mind fills with questions, How, why, who, questions that will never be answered if I can't get out of this crate.

With both hands pressed against the top of the crate, I shove hard, pushing with all of my strength, but it doesn't budge. I lay back on the floor, resting my weary muscles while I think. Realizing that my legs are a lot stronger than my upper body, I raise them to the roof of the crate pushing hard. When that doesn't work I kick the top of the box with both feet and pause to see if the man returns. When he doesn't I kick again this time the top loosens a bit.

I sit up and try to push it off but the nails that are holding the top on are still imbedded to far into the wood for me to release the top, so I lay on my back again. This time I kick and wait and kick and wait until the lid bounces off onto the floor with a loud clatter.

I hear footsteps running toward the door. I jump up, grab the lid and slide it over the box, praying that the person won't realize that it's no longer sealed. The large metal door slams open, hitting the wall behind it before the footsteps get closer. "I told you to stop making so much noise. You aren't getting out of that box until I let you out, so keep quiet." The man pounds on the side of the box with something, making the top bounce a little and my heart stop. I wait for him to notice, but it's evident that he didn't when I hear the door slam again.

I carefully lift the lid a little, peaking out to make sure that I'm alone. The room is dark now and there isn't a soul in sight. I lift the lid off of the crate and quietly slide it to the floor before climbing out. I replace the lid hoping whoever holds me captive won't notice until it's too late that I've escaped.

I'm in a storage room of sorts, filled with several large crates. It quickly occurs to me that there could be other people in those crates, so I look around searching for something that I can use to open the crates.

Where is Alex, how did I get here? The last thing I remember is laying in his arms and when I woke up, I'm shoved in a crate on what looks like a shit. Oh God please let Alex be alright, the thought almost crippling as I fight back the visions of him lying dead on his bed, filling my eyes with tears.

I'm pulled back to reality when I hear a muffled moan. I blink my tears away quickly. There are other people in those boxes. I search yet again for anything that may help me and am shocked to find the hammer and nails that they used to seal the crates just sitting on a table.

Large egos in situations like this make even larger mistakes, I think. Grabbing the hammer, I take it to the nearest crate, shove the claw end between the top and side of the wood prying them apart before sliding it down doing the same thing until I can remove the top of the crate.

I find a young girl unconscious inside the box. My head jerks up, my eye brows furrow as I look around. There are at least ten boxes this size. I move to the next box and the next and the next until all of the boxes are open before I finally find a girl that is starting to wake.

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