Chapter 28

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After eating lunch at the diner, Christian and I spent the rest of the afternoon slipping through the rain into one little souvenir shop after another. Being wet most of the day, although uncomfortable, was a welcome reprieve from the morning heat that threatened to boil my blood, making it hard to concentrate on the task at hand, self-defense.

Christian and I walk lazily through the rain, our arms full of plastic bags that preserve the treasures inside from the shower that we were currently receiving. Paying more attention to Christian than I was to the direction I was heading, I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry," Strong arms fly up to keep me from falling. "I must not have been paying attention," his voice grates across my nerves like a vegetable grater, cutting away spots as it slices through my mind. I step back, my head popping up to see Conner standing in front of me, his arms still resting on mine.

I turn away, making his arms fall, the thought of him touching making me want to scream. I say nothing as I steer Christian around him, hastening my pace until we are inside the car. I lock all of the doors, looking back at where we left him standing, relief filling me when I find him gone.

"What's going on Trina?" Christian asks, a worried expression marring his otherwise flawless features.

"Nothing," I lie as I start the car, eager to get away from Conner.

"Bull shit," Christian says turning slightly in his seat to face me. "I saw the way you reacted when he offered to train you today and the way you went completely white when you saw him just now. Is this why you needed me?"

"I drive a little further, until I know we are far enough away that he can't follow us before I answer."

"Do you remember why I told you I left here?" I ask, receiving a solemn nod from Christian.

"Oh wow, he's the guy, isn't he? How did you find out?"

"Alex is getting too close, demanding every man on the island to take a DNA test. He got scared so he came to my house one day threatening to kill everyone I now and love if I don't keep my mouth shut, and he wants me to make Alex give up when all of the tests come back without a hit," I explain relieved to finally be able to tell someone.

Christian sits quietly for quite a while before saying, "We just need to get proof, outsmart him at his own game."

"We can't. Don't you see he's a trained Marine with the means and training to follow through on his promise. I can't lose everyone chasing the ghosts from my past."

"I have a plan."

I glance at him, "Del always says that and her plans always end badly.... Well usually, the last plan worked but that's just because Sabastian loves her.

"Just trust me. Let's get a good night sleep, I am beat. We can discuss it tomorrow," He says as he steps out of the car, making a mad dash for a door he can't get into because I have the keys. He doesn't look thrilled when I step out of the car, grabbing all of the bags before finding my way to the front door.

"I get the shower first," he says making a mad dash for the bathroom. "He stops inside the doorway, "I am a guest, after all."

"Hurry up, I'm soaked and could use a long bath," I grumble, dropping the bags on the floor. Something feels off, I think as I look around the large room for any sign that someone has been in here. Everything looks fine, I think.

I take a couple of steps toward my bedroom before I hear Christian yell, "Trina, you should come in here.

I rush to the bathroom, my heart in my throat as I throw the door open to find a freshly cleaned Christian standing in front of the mirror wearing nothing but a towel. He looks frightened as his head slowly turns toward me, making me step further into the bathroom to see what has him scared.

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