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        The wine pops right open and Cathy is telling me how the father of her kids is moving to another state and he wont be able to see them as much. I can see her pain, I dont want to be the one to break it to the kids though. After 3 glasses of wine I think I have already talked to much. I have talked about my marriage before to her, but never details until tonight. I told her how we never do anything together, he is always busy working late and never there. This goes on for about two hours, then I thought it would be a good thing for me to just sleep. 8am, thankfully Taylor stayed the night because she was able to help with the kids the next day. I ask her if she could stay a little longer and she said " I can stay for as long as you need me, I love your kids, you and being here" That made me feel so good. I love his girl, as one of my own. Since I was so happy about what Taylor said, so I booked Taylor Cathy and I a day at the spa.

        This means find another sitter, luckily Taylor's mother offered to keep my kids, her parents are great I have met them a lot, we invite them to everything. We get to the spa. ready to relax. I get into this shower it feels great. Then a massage for an hour and a half and then we get our nails and face done. I didnt realize it would take 5 hours to get this done, but I loved it. We go to pick the kids up, but they are having a really good time with Taylor's parents. They all were getting ready to go for icecream and then the movies. When they are with Taylor's parents the only rule is respect. Which they very respectful, any where they are at. I ask Taylor if she wants to come back to the house with us her only rule is no more than a half glass of wine because she is only 19, not 21. Taylor isnt a drinker anyways, she's a good kid. We get back to my house and Cathy is ready for wine already. For that matter I am too.

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