Getting Even

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        The man at the club says he would help me out, but I explain to him even though He cheated, I cant. I want to make it look like I did though. So, I come up with this plan, he drives me home at 2am we are making sure we make atleast enough noise to were Silas will look out the window. He opens my door and helps me out Cathy pulls in, she walks right in the house into the guest bedroom and text me it reads " Silas is still up, your bedroom door is open he is looking and swearing ALOT.. Get your ass inside." I start laughing and tell the man whats going on he hugs me I make sure it last for a while too and I give him a kiss on the cheek. As I am walking up the side walk I look back and he is looking at me smiling. I really do feel happy for some reason about this. I make my way in the house get a drink of water and go to my room. I can hear Silas, he sounds like he is rushing, when I get in there he is laying down. I can almost hear his heart pounding. Silas turns over and ask " Did you have a good time?" I told him Oh yess twice. He sits up looking at me. Yelling He can't really see my face, but I am smiling. That morning, I walk down stairs and look at him and say "" Were even" His face drops to the floor. I told if he ever cheated on me again next I wouldnt get even I was just going to leave and never look back EVER and he wouldnt see his kids. To this day he hasn't cheated (that I know of) nor will I think he will. I think our argurment ended in me say Divorce the ass and take the assets.


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